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[英]Open Connection, Connection String, what's my database name?

I've been given a VBcode by my company to work on. 我公司给我提供了VBcode进行工作。 I have an SQL file that I have to run in order to create the tables in my database. 我必须运行一个SQL文件才能在数据库中创建表。 The connection string that I have to open a connection with on my vb.net is the following: 我必须在vb.net上打开连接的连接字符串如下:

"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=Test;Data Source=DATOR06"

I need to know what the name of their database is so I can create something similar in my own local PC. 我需要知道他们的数据库的名称,以便可以在自己的本地PC中创建类似的内容。

In the connection string Initial Catalog represents the Database name. 在连接字符串中,初始目录表示数据库名称。 in your case "Test" is your database name. 在您的情况下,“ Test”是您的数据库名称。

它在Initial Catalog=Test因此在您的实例中,数据库名称为Test,数据源为DATOR06。

Initial Catalog=Test

Test是数据库名称,在连接字符串Initial Catalog代表数据库名称。

Initial Catalog告诉您数据库的名称,在这种情况下为Test

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