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[英]Aggregate SQL query on tables with column with same name

I have two tables, both with a column called transaction_amnt . 我有两个表,每个表都有一个名为transaction_amnt的列。 Is there a way I can write a SQL query that returns the sum of all of the transaction amounts in both tables? 有没有一种方法可以编写一个SQL查询来返回两个表中所有交易金额的总和? I tried 我试过了

select sum(transaction_amnt) from table1 natural join table2;

but, I'm thinking that join isn't really what I want here. 但是,我认为join并不是我真正想要的。

I guess union all best fits to your question as it will not remove duplicates on the records. 我认为union all合并最适合您的问题,因为它不会删除记录中的重复项。

SELECT SUM(x.transaction_amnt) totalAmount
    SELECT transaction_amnt from table1
    SELECT transaction_amnt from table2
) x

As you did not show us your table definition it is not clear to me what you really want, but this might what I think you are looking for: 由于您没有向我们显示您的表定义,因此我不清楚您真正想要的是什么,但这可能是我认为您正在寻找的东西:

select sum(transaction_amnt) 
from (
  select transaction_amnt
  from table1 
  select transaction_amnt
  from table2
) t

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