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如何摆脱这个ClassCastException? (Java)的

[英]How can I get rid of this ClassCastException? (java)

I am trying to create an array of the generic class "DataStruct". 我正在尝试创建通用类“ DataStruct”的数组。 The code is the following: 代码如下:

public class DataArray<T> {
DataStruct<T>[] array;
int index;

public DataArray(int capacity) {
    array = (DataStruct<T>[]) new Object[capacity]; // !!!
    this.index = 0;

I get a java.lang.ClassCastException (Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to [LArrayBased.DataStruct;) at the line marked with three exclamation marksat the end, while testing it. 在测试时,在最后带有三个感叹号的行上得到了java.lang.ClassCastException(Ljava.lang.Object;无法转换为[LArrayBased.DataStruct;)。

Can you please tell me the correct way to create it? 您能告诉我正确的创建方式吗?

Why not declare 为什么不申报

array = new DataStruct[capacity];

Object[] can not be cast to DataStruct[] . 无法将Object[] DataStruct[]DataStruct[]

Because arrays are refiable in nature that means arrays know their type at runtime so If you convert it to Object [] like below you will again run in to problems 因为数组本质上是可验证的,这意味着数组在运行时知道它们的类型,因此如果将其转换为Object []如下所示,您将再次遇到问题

Object[] array = new DataStruct[capacity]; 
array[0] = 10;//Array Store exception

So it is wise to declare it as DataStruct[capacity] 因此,将其声明为DataStruct[capacity]是明智的

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