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如何中断C ++程序

[英]How to interrupt a C++ program

This is the gist the program : 这是要点程序:

//bunch of codes that gets data from port ,
//if there is no data it waits here .


i am using linux , is there any inbuilt support for keypresses like Ctrl+C . 我正在使用linux,对Ctrl + C之类的按键是否有内置支持。 I can catch that using signal(SIGINT, signal_callback_handler); 我可以使用signal(SIGINT, signal_callback_handler);来捕获它signal(SIGINT, signal_callback_handler); but Ctrl+C has some problem as it gives errors . 但是Ctrl + C存在一些问题,因为它给出了错误。

i want to get out of this loop on keypress , is this possible ? 我想退出按键的循环,这可能吗? If yes , how to do it . 如果是,怎么做。

    // do stuff here.

Works on Windows. 适用于Windows。

You can signal an interupt 你可以发出中断信号

      #include <csignal>


or 要么


The function that can terminate your program is exit() . 可以终止程序的函数是exit()

To input a premature termination of your cicle you can use break . 要输入cicle的过早终止,可以使用break

If you are willing to use some C oriented solution i suggest to take a look at this question . 如果您愿意使用一些面向C的解决方案,建议您看一下这个问题

For something strictly related to linux you probably should refer to the ncurses library in combination with the exit function . 对于与Linux严格相关的内容,您可能应该结合使用exit函数参考ncurses库

Also do not assume that a particular key combination is equal to a termination, many terminals are not real terminals but emulators, and many emulators are customizable, by the OS creator and by the user. 也不要假设特定的按键组合等于终止,许多终端不是真实终端而是模拟器,并且许多模拟器可由OS创建者和用户自定义。

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