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[英]Update a label in JSF (Primefaces)

I have a JSF page with a button and a label. 我有一个带按钮和标签的JSF页面。 When the user presses the simulateYearButton button, the value displayed in the label yearLabel should be incremented. 当用户按下simulateYearButton按钮时,标签yearLabel显示的值应递增。

The form with the button and the label looks like this: 带有按钮和标签的表单如下所示:

        <p:commandButton value="Заресетить" id="resetButton"
            actionListener="#{entryPage.resetButtonAction}" />

        <p:commandButton value="Просимулировать год" id="simulateYearButton"
            <f:ajax event="click" render="yearLabel" />

        <h:outputLabel id="yearLabelLabel" for="yearLabel" value="Год:" />
        <h:outputLabel id="yearLabel" value="#{entryPage.yearLabel}"
            style="font-weight:bold" />

Code of the entryPage bean: entryPage bean的代码:

@ManagedBean(name = "entryPage")
public class EntryPageController {
    private int year;
    private String yearLabel;

    public void init()
        this.yearLabel = "2012";


    public void simulateYearButtonAction() {
        this.yearLabel = Integer.toString(this.year);

    public String getYearLabel() {
        return yearLabel;

When I press the simulateYearButton , the method simulateYearButtonAction is executed (I see the log message in the output), but the label is not updated. 当我按下simulateYearButton ,执行方法simulateYearButtonAction (我在输出中看到日志消息),但标签没有更新。

How should I modify the code so that the label is updated, when I press the button? 当我按下按钮时,我应该如何修改代码以便更新标签?

New answer: 新答案:

 <p:commandButton value="Просимулировать год" id="simulateYearButton"
      actionListener="#{entryPage.simulateYearButtonAction}" update="yearLabel">

Because commandbutton is ajaxed by default. 因为commandbutton默认是ajaxed。

Next, you need to make the bean @ViewScoped. 接下来,您需要创建bean @ViewScoped。 Next, you need to assign to year the value of yearLabel : 接下来,您需要为year指定yearLabel的值:

public void init()
    this.yearLabel = "2012";
    this.year = Integer.parseInt(yearLabel);

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