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[英]How to declare a self referencing template type

I've a situation that is like this contrived example: 我的情况就像这个人为的例子:

template<class TFeature> struct Controller {};

template<class TController,typename T> struct Feature {
  typedef Feature<TController,T> FeatureType;

typedef Controller<Feature::FeatureType,int> DefaultController;

The Controller is templated to accept features and my problem is that some of the features need the type of the controller as a template parameter. Controller模板化接受功能,我的问题是某些功能需要控制器的类型作为模板参数。 This makes the typedef on the last line of the sample not compile. 这使得样本最后一行的typedef无法编译。

Is this possible or do I need to rethink the design? 这是可能的还是我需要重新考虑设计?

In order to accomplish this you should do some meta programming magic(and believe me it is not an easy task). 为了实现这一点,你应该做一些元编程魔术(相信我这不是一件容易的事)。 But if you really nead it and using boost is an option for you take a look at boost::mpl and you can have something like this: 但是,如果你真的知道它并使用boost是一个选项,你看看boost::mpl ,你可以有这样的东西:

template< class ControlerT >
struct FeatureEx {
    typedef ControlerT controler_type;
template< class FeatureT >
struct ControlerEx {
    typedef ControlerEx<FeatureT> this_type;
    typedef typename boost::mpl::apply<
        FeatureT, boost::mpl::identity<this_type>
    >::type feature_type;

    feature_type const& get_feature() const {return f_;}

    feature_type f_;

typedef ControlerEx<FeatureEx<boost::mpl::placeholders::_1> > DefaultControler;

You are passing to the Controller class two template parameters, but you have declared it to take only one. 您正在向Controller类传递两个模板参数,但您已声明它只采用一个。 Do you need something like the following? 你需要以下的东西吗?

typedef Controller<Feature<Controller<int>,int>::FeatureType> DefaultController;


struct DefaultController : public Controller<Feature<DefaultController,int>::FeatureType> {};


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