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[英]Error when implementing overloading operator “+”

I have a MyClass which is a linked list for which I have overidden the operator+: 我有一个MyClass ,它是一个链接列表,我已经覆盖了运算符+:

   int value;
   MyNode* link;
   MyNode* first;
   MyNode* current;
   MyNode* last;
   int count;
MyClass MyClass::operator+(MyClass* operand)
   MyClass sum;
   for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      MyNode* newNode
      newNode->value = value + operand->value;
   return sum;   

When I try to implement this in my main function like so: 当我尝试在我的main函数中实现它时,如下所示:

MyClass* a = new MyClass();
MyClass* b = new MyClass();
MyClass* c;

c = a + b;

The compiler throws an error: "cannot add two pointers". 编译器抛出一个错误:“无法添加两个指针”。

Are you coming from a Java background? 你是来自Java背景吗? You don't need new to create objects: 您不需要new来创建对象:

Try this: 尝试这个:

MyClass MyClass::operator+(const MyClass& operand)
   MyClass result;

   // Perform addition ...

   return result;  

MyClass a;
MyClass b;
MyClass c;

c = a + b;

Two problems. 两个问题。 First, your operator has a wrong signature. 首先,您的运营商签名错误。 operator+ should take a const reference as an argument and return a const value. operator+应该将const引用作为参数并返回一个const值。 Thus: 从而:

const MyClass MyClass::operator+(const MyClass& operand)

Second, you're trying to add the pointers themselves rather than the objects they point to. 其次,您试图添加指针本身而不是它们指向的对象。 So you need: 所以你需要:

*c = *a + *b;

And to be 100% correct, the operator itself should be declared as a const function: 要100%正确,操作符本身应该声明为const函数:

 const MyClass MyClass::operator+(const MyClass& operand) const

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