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JSF composite:具有f:属性转换错误的属性

[英]JSF composite:attribute with f:attribute conversion error

I'm implementing a JSF component and need to conditionally add some attributes. 我正在实现一个JSF组件,需要有条件地添加一些属性。 This question is similar to a previous JSF: p:dataTable with f:attribute results in "argument type mismatch" error , but with a completely different error message, so I raised a new question. 这个问题类似于以前的JSF:p:dataTable with f:attribute导致“参数类型不匹配”错误 ,但是有一个完全不同的错误消息,所以我提出了一个新问题。

    <composite:attribute name="filter" required="false" default="false"
    <composite:attribute name="rows" required="false" default="15"

  <p:dataTable ivar="p" value="#{cc.attrs.dm}">
    <c:if test="#{cc.attrs.filter}">
      <f:attribute name="paginator" value="#{true}"/>
      <f:attribute name="rows" value="#{cc.attrs.rows}"/>

This results in an error java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer . 这会导致java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer错误java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer Even if I manually set this, I get errors: 即使我手动设置这个,我也会收到错误:

<f:attribute name="rows" value="15"/>    ... argument type mismatch
<f:attribute name="rows" value="#{15}"/> ... java.lang.Long cannot be cast
                                             to java.lang.Integer

If I add the attribute directly, there is no exception and the correct number of rows is diplayed: 如果我直接添加属性,则没有异常,并且显示正确的行数:

<p:dataTable var="p" value="#{cc.attrs.dm}" rows="#{cc.attrs.rows}">

This is indeed an unfortunate corner case with numbers in EL and composite component attributes. 对于EL和复合组件属性中的数字,这确实是一个不幸的角落案例。 There's no solution for this. 对此没有解决方案。 The type information is not available in #{cc.attrs} when used in <f:attribute> and thus treated as String . <f:attribute>使用时,类型信息在#{cc.attrs}不可用,因此被视为String The #{15} cannot be represented as an integer in EL either, all numbers are always implicitly treated as Long when the type information is absent. #{15}也不能在EL中表示为整数,当缺少类型信息时,所有数字总是被隐式地视为Long The ClassCastException can be prevented by using a tag file instead of a composite component. 可以使用标记文件而不是复合组件来防止ClassCastException

Your best bet is doing the check in the actual rows attribute itself. 您最好的选择是检查实际的rows属性本身。

<p:dataTable ... rows="#{cc.attrs.filter ? cc.attrs.rows : null}">

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