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iPhone / Android webapp包装器

[英]iPhone/Android webapp wrapper

I work at a large company that is looking at building apps for internal use only (iPhone/iPad). 我在一家大公司工作,该公司正在寻找仅供内部使用的应用程序(iPhone / iPad)。 We are looking for a SIMPLE way of creating apps that essentially are just a web browser with a predefined URL and no address bar/tabs, etc. Essentially a very dumbed down browser with a custom logo. 我们正在寻找一种简单的方法来创建应用程序,这些应用程序本质上只是一个带有预定义URL且没有地址栏/标签等的Web浏览器。本质上是一个带有自定义徽标的非常愚蠢的浏览器。 What is the easiest way to accomplish this? 实现这一目标的最简单方法是什么?

We would obviously be distributing these oursevlves and they wouldn't be available in the App Store, so app guidelines aren't an issue. 我们显然会分发这些oursevlves并且它们不会在App Store中提供,因此应用指南不是问题。 We are on Windows boxes and are Java/Web developers so we'd rather not get into too much C sharp if at all possible, fyi. 我们在Windows机器上并且是Java / Web开发人员,因此我们宁愿不尽可能多地使用C sharp。 Basically it'd be nice if the tool (if one exists), were to allow us to give it a URL, an icon image, and it builds the app from there. 基本上,如果工具(如果存在的话)是允许我们给它一个URL,一个图标图像,并从那里构建应用程序,那将是很好的。

And while we are starting out with Apple devices, we need to be cross platform compliant with whatever tools we use because I can imagine the day when they decide to buy Android or WindowsPhone devices later on. 虽然我们开始使用Apple设备,但我们需要跨平台兼容我们使用的任何工具,因为我可以想象他们决定稍后购买Android或WindowsPhone设备的那一天。

MobiOne? MobiOne? PhoneGap? PhoneGap的? Appcelerator Titanium SDK? Appcelerator Titanium SDK? Can either of these do what we need? 这些可以做我们需要的吗? Something else? 别的什么?

A big 'No' for MobiOne. 对于MobiOne来说,这是一个很大的“不”。 I bought it for 99 dollars. 我买了99美元。 As they advertised, I was able to create a static app within hours. 正如他们所宣传的那样,我能够在几小时内创建一个静态应用程序。 But that's pretty much what MobiOne can do. 但这正是MobiOne所能做的。 The moment you start using html, javascript or even audio, all sorts of problem seem to creep up. 当你开始使用html,javascript甚至音频时,各种各样的问题似乎都在悄然兴起。 And there is no support in their forums either. 他们的论坛也没有支持。 My basic question about using the audio player remains unanswered for a month now. 关于使用音频播放器的基本问题现在仍然没有答案一个月。

Here is the worst part: The tool has a poorly built emulator. 这是最糟糕的部分:该工具具有构建不良的仿真器。 Often times, my app worked fine in the emulator but failed to run when deployed to a real device. 通常,我的应用程序在模拟器中运行良好,但在部署到真实设备时无法运行。 And at times, i have seen the vice versa too. 有时候,我也看到了相反的情况。

Since then, I switched over to PhoneGap(which is free). 从那时起,我切换到PhoneGap(免费)。 It took me 2 days to just set my environment right. 我花了两天的时间来设置我的环境。 But once I had the environment setup, it took only minutes to deploy my app in to a virtual device. 但是,一旦我进行了环境设置,只需几分钟就可以将我的应用程序部署到虚拟设备中。

Looking at your requirement, I would say that your safe bet is PhoneGap. 看看你的要求,我会说你安全的赌注是PhoneGap。

I don't have a working knowledge in Titanium but I read in a lot of forums that it supports less platforms when compared to PhoneGap. 我没有Titanium的工作知识,但我在很多论坛上都看到,与PhoneGap相比,它支持更少的平台。 Titanium seems to give a more native feel to the app but that also means you cannot port it to multiple platforms without changing the code. Titanium似乎为应用程序提供了更原生的感觉,但这也意味着您无法在不更改代码的情况下将其移植到多个平台。

Apple may reject your app if all it does is wrap a web site in a WebView. Apple可能会拒绝您的应用程序,如果只是将Web站点包装在WebView中。 You need to have more functionality in your app than just loading a web page. 您需要在应用中拥有更多功能,而不仅仅是加载网页。

From the app review guidelines for iOS: 根据iOS的应用评论指南:

2.12 Apps that are not very useful, are simply web sites bundled as apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected 2.12不是非常有用的应用程序,只是捆绑为应用程序的网站,或者不提供任何持久的娱乐价值可能会被拒绝

You would need to add additional screens to the app like an about page and a contact us page in order for your app not to be rejected. 您需要向应用添加其他屏幕,例如关于页面和联系我们页面,以便您的应用不会被拒绝。

As you say you know JavaScript, look into appcelerator.com it allows you to build cross platform apps and only writing your code once. 正如您所说,您了解JavaScript,请查看appcelerator.com,它允许您构建跨平台应用程序,并且只编写一次代码。

I would re-evaluate your reason for wanting to create these projects as an app in the first place. 我会重新评估您想要首先将这些项目创建为应用程序的原因。 What app functionality do you want that you don't have now with your web page? 您希望自己的网页没有现在的应用功能? You didn't mention anything in your question that would indicate this needs to be an app. 你没有在你的问题中提到任何表明这需要成为应用程序的内容。

On Apple devices, you could create an icon that points to a web site. 在Apple设备上,您可以创建指向网站的图标。 You could define the pages in a way that hides the address bar. 您可以以隐藏地址栏的方式定义页面。 Lastly, the web pages could easily be cross-platform already. 最后,网页可以很容易地跨平台。

Wrapping this into an app would just possibly complicate the process. 将其包装到应用程序中可能会使该过程复杂化。 You may need to deploy updated app code to the device, where a refresh in a browser works just as well. 您可能需要将更新的应用程序代码部署到设备,其中浏览器中的刷新也可以正常工作。

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