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[英]How to store an ArrayList linked to String keys in a Map in Java

I am reading in a data file which consists of three String data types per line. 我正在读取一个数据文件,该文件每行包含三种String数据类型。 Each line is read individually and stored to an ArrayList called temp. 每行都单独读取,并存储到称为temp的ArrayList中。 I want to take the 3rd element of temp and use it as a key in a Map which Maps the key to the contents of Temp and do this for each line. 我想使用temp的第三个元素,并将其用作Map中的键,该Map将键映射到Temp的内容,并针对每一行执行此操作。 I have the following code, which compiles but when run gives me a null error the assignment to parsedData. 我有以下代码,可以编译,但运行时给我parsedData的赋值为空错误。

Map<String,ArrayList<String> > parsedData;
    int pos;
    String line;
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    ArrayList<String> temp;// = new ArrayList<String>();
    try {
        temp = new ArrayList<String>();
        while ((line = inBufR.readLine()) != null){
            while (buffer.length() != 0){
                pos = buffer.indexOf(delim);
                if (pos != -1){ //Cases where delim is found
                    temp.add( buffer.substring(0,pos).trim() );
                    buffer.delete(0,pos+delim.length()); //Cannibalizing the string
                    while ( (buffer.indexOf(delim)) == 0){
                } else { //Cases where delim is not found
                    temp.add( buffer.substring(0,buffer.length()).trim() );
                    buffer.delete(0,buffer.length()); //clearing the string
                } // else
            }//while (buffer.length() !=0
            parsedData.put(temp.get(keyCol) , temp);        
        }//while ((buffer = inBufR.readLine()) !=null)
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); 

You haven't initialized parsedData to anything. 您尚未将parsedData初始化为任何东西。 It has null reference. 它具有null引用。 When you try to do put on null reference you will get NullPointerException . 当你尝试做put对空引用您将得到NullPointerException

Map<String,ArrayList<String> > parsedData= new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();

The reason you are getting NullPointerException if because you never initialize your Map ( parseData ). 如果由于从未初始化MapparseData )而得到NullPointerException的原因。 You need to initialize your parseData like this: 您需要像这样初始化parseData:

Map<String, List<String> > parsedData = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();

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