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[英]Switching quickly between versions

Let's say I have a file f.txt under the git repository. 假设我在git存储库下有一个文件f.txt The initial version of this file contains one line, version 2 contains 2 lines and every new version adds one line to the previous version, so the version 10 contains 10 lines. 该文件的初始版本包含一行,版本2包含两行,每个新版本在以前的版本中添加一行,因此版本10包含10行。

Now, I open the file f.txt (in 5th version) in the vim editor. 现在,我在vim编辑器中打开文件f.txt (第5版)。 I'd like to stay in the vim editor and have the possibility of commands like git_next and git_previous and quickly switch between versions, without having to know commit numbers and without leaving vim . 我想留在vim编辑器中,并可以使用git_nextgit_previous类的命令,并可以在版本之间快速切换,而不必知道提交号和不离开vim

Is there such a possibility of using git and vim ? 有可能使用gitvim吗? It would be also useful if I could type command like git_versions and I could choose from the list of versions of this file and switch to the desired version. 如果我可以键入git_versions类的命令,并且可以从该文件的版本列表中进行选择,然后切换到所需的版本,这也将非常有用。

You are looking for Fugitive.vim plugin by Tim Pope. 您正在寻找Tim Pope的Fugitive.vim插件。 It can aid you with many git commands. 它可以通过许多git命令帮助您。

With fugitive.vim you can execute :Glog and the revisions will be put into the quickfix list. 随着fugitive.vim可以执行:Glog和修改将投入quickfix列表。 Just use :cnext , :cprev , and friends to move between the revisions. 只需使用:cnext:cprev和朋友在修订版之间移动即可。 There is an excellent screencast, Fugitive.vim - exploring the history of a git repository , on this by Drew Neil. 有一个很好的截屏视频Fugitive.vim-在Drew Neil的基础上探索git存储库的历史 I would highly recommend watching all the Vimcasts on the subject. 我强烈建议您观看有关该主题的所有Vimcast

Drew in the screencast also shows off another Tim Pope plugin called Unimpaired.vim . 截屏视频中的Drew还展示了另一个名为Unimpaired.vim的 Tim Pope插件。 I highly recommend it. 我强烈推荐它。 It will provide some nice mappings ( [q , ]q , etc.) to move through the quickfix list. 它将提供一些不错的映射( [q]q等),以在快速quickfix列表中移动。

For more help see: 有关更多帮助请参阅:

:h quickfix
:h :cnext

If you have Fugitive.vim installed see: 如果您安装了Fugitive.vim,请参见:

:h fugitive
:h fugitive-:Glog

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