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[英]Stopping Post to external service looking for User ID

I'm not really sure how to describe this issue so will try to be clear. 我不太确定如何描述此问题,因此请尝试弄清楚。

We have a page in our Rails application where our customers can update their credit card details. 我们在Rails应用程序中有一个页面,客户可以在其中更新其信用卡详细信息。 The form posts to an external service to verify the details. 表单过帐到外部服务以验证详细信息。 Then redirects back to us transparently. 然后透明地重定向回我们。

Initially I had the form in it's own controller for testing (working perfectly) but I've just moved it within my users_controller. 最初,我在自己的控制器中拥有用于测试的表格(可以正常运行),但我只是将其移至users_controller中。

The form posts and redirects to a confirm action which does some checks. 表单过帐并重定向到确认动作,该动作会进行一些检查。 When I post from within the users controller, I get an error: 当我从用户控制器内发布时,出现错误:

 Couldn't find User with id=k2hx5p36w3g9rxsz

Which in fact is the id of the transaction. 实际上,这就是交易的ID。 Not the user. 不是用户。

The url looks like this: 网址看起来像这样:


In my controller, I have this: 在我的控制器中,我有这个:

def billing
  @user = current_user 
  @credit_card = current_user.default_credit_card  
  @tr_data = CreditCard::TransparentRedirect.update_credit_card_data(:redirect_url => confirm_credit_card_info_url, :payment_method_token => @credit_card.token)

def credit_card_confirm
  @user = current_user 
  @result = CreditCard::TransparentRedirect.confirm(request.query_string)

  if @result.success?
    redirect_to user_billing_path, :notice => "Credit card updated"
    render :action => "billing"

And in my routes: 在我的路线上:

match '/settings/confirm' => 'users#credit_card_confirm', :as => :confirm_credit_card_info

What can I do to avoid it taking the ID as the User ID? 如何避免将ID作为用户ID?

You probably have something like a before_filter or cancan which takes the id from params and tries to load the corresponding object. 您可能有一个诸如before_filtercancan类的东西,它从参数中获取ID并尝试加载相应的对象。 This is a common practice in controllers. 这是控制器中的常见做法。

The point is that params contains a merge of: 关键是params包含以下内容的合并:

So GET /users/1 and GET /users?id=1 have the same effect. 因此GET /users/1GET /users?id=1具有相同的效果。

The solution is to understand in which specific piece of your code the id is used to load a User. 解决方案是了解ID用来加载用户代码的特定部分。 If it is your code (or otherwise skippable), then skip the filter or whatever appropriate for the credit_card_confirm action, if it is not your code, you have to use a separate controller. 如果是您的代码(或其他可跳过的代码),则跳过过滤器或任何适合credit_card_confirm操作的内容,如果不是您的代码,则必须使用单独的控制器。

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