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[英]finding maximum & minimum number from 2 numbers in an array

I'm trying to find the maximum and minimum numbers out of 2 integers that a user has inputted. 我试图找出用户输入的2个整数中的最大和最小数字。 Firstly i have converted the string to int, then went to put them into an array so i can manipulate them. 首先,我已将字符串转换为int,然后将它们放入数组中,以便我可以操作它们。 I think i'm getting stuck when it comes to assigning variables to an array. 我认为在将变量分配给数组时我会陷入困境。 But i couldn't see any examples of arrays with variables assigned to them, which is probably where i'm going wrong. 但我看不到任何分配了变量的数组的例子,这可能就是我出错的地方。

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       string txtbxnum1 = Int32.Parse(num1);
       string txtbxnum2 = Int32.Parse(num2);

       int[] numbers = new int[2] {0,1};
       int numbers [0] = num1;
       int numbers [1] = num2;

       int maximumNumber = Max.numbers();
       int minimumNumber = Min.numbers();
       MessageBox.Show (maximumNumber.Text);

I would be glad of any help or direction. 我很乐意得到任何帮助或指导。

If all you have is two numbers, you do not need an array: System.Math provides functions to find the smaller and the larger of two numbers, called Math.Max and Math.Min . 如果只有两个数字,则不需要数组: System.Math提供了查找两个数字中较小和较大的函数,称为Math.MaxMath.Min

// Int32.Parse takes a string, and returns an int, not a string:
int n1 = Int32.Parse(num1);
int n2 = Int32.Parse(num2);
// Math.Min and Math.Max functions pick the min and max
int min = Math.Min(n1, n2);
int max = Math.Max(n1, n2);
// Show both numbers in a message box in one go using String.Format:
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Min:{0} Max:{1}", min, max));

A little bit messed up syntax. 有点搞砸了语法。 Your code is not C# language valid code. 您的代码不是 C#语言的有效代码。

You have to do something like this: 你必须做这样的事情:

var numbers = new int[]{0,1,567,4,-5,0,67....};

and max/min is simply like 和max / min很简单

var maximum = numbers.Max();
var minimum = numbers.Min();

You should be calling Math.Min and Math.Max both of which accept two integers as arguments. 您应该调用Math.MinMath.Max ,它们都接受两个整数作为参数。

Let me know if that is not sufficient detail. 如果这还不够详细,请告诉我。

int maximumNumber = Math.Max(numbers[0],numbers[1]);
int minimumNumber = Math.Min(numbers[0],numbers[1]);

MessageBox.Show(maximumNumber + " " is the largest and " + minimumNumber + " is the smallest");

That said you shouldn't really access the array values like that, but it'll work for a beginner. 那说你不应该真正访问这样的数组值,但它适用于初学者。

I don't quite understand your interaction with the TextBoxes and strange parsing and then setting to a string, but assuming num1 and num2 are integers that the user entered 我不太了解你与TextBoxes的交互和奇怪的解析然后设置为字符串,但假设num1和num2是用户输入的整数

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    int maximumNumber = Math.Max(num1, num2);
    int minimumNumber = Math.Min(num1, num2);

    MessageBox.Show (maximumNumber);

There are a few mistakes in your code. 您的代码中存在一些错误。

string txtbxnum1 = Int32.Parse(num1);

Int32.Parse takes in a string and returns an int . Int32.Parse接受一个字符串并返回一个int However, you're trying to assign it to a string . 但是,您正在尝试将其分配给string It should be 它应该是

int txtbxnum1 = Int32.Parse(num1);

Assigning an array like this: 像这样分配一个数组:

int[] numbers = new int[2] {0,1};

simply creates a new array that can hold two integers and prefills them with the values 0 and 1 . 只需创建一个新数组,该数组可以包含两个整数,并使用值01预填充它们。 This isn't what you want to do. 这不是你想要做的。 As far as I can tell, you don't even need to use arrays here unless you're using it somewhere else in your code. 据我所知,你甚至不需要在这里使用数组,除非你在代码中的其他地方使用它。

You can find the Max and Min values by using methods in the Math class. 您可以使用Math类中的方法找到MaxMin值。

int minimumValue = Math.Min(txtbxnum1,txtbxnum2);
int maximumValue = Math.Max(txtbxnum1,txtbxnum2);

You can find out more about the Math class on MSDN . 您可以在MSDN上找到有关Math类的更多信息。

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