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[英]How can i remove the part “http://” from a string?

I have this method: 我有这个方法:

private List<string> offline(string targetDirectory)
    if (targetDirectory.Contains("http://"))
    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(targetDirectory);
    List<string> directories = new List<string>();

        string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(targetDirectory,"*.*",SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
        for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Length; i++)
            string t = "http://" + dirs[i];

    return directories;


This is the part: 这是部分:

if (targetDirectory.Contains("http://"))

I'm getting a directory which give me all the directories in this directory and I'm adding to each directory the string "http://" . 我正在获取一个目录,它给我这个目录中的所有目录,并且我在每个目录中添加字符串"http://"

The problem is when next time a directory is getting to the function its coming with "http://" 问题是,当下一次目录到达该函数时,它将以"http://"

For example: http://c:\\\\ or http://c:\\\\windows 例如: http://c:\\\\http://c:\\\\windows

And then the line 然后就行了

 DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(targetDirectory); // throws exception.

So I want that each time a directory is getting to the function to check if it starts with "http://" in the beginning, strip the "http://" part, get all the directories, and then add to each directory "http://" like now. 所以我希望每次目录到达函数时检查它是否以"http://"开头,剥离"http://"部分,获取所有目录,然后添加到每个目录"http://"就像现在一样。

How can I remove "http://" ? 如何删除"http://"

I would be stricter than using Contains - I'd use StartsWith , and then Substring : 我会比使用Contains更严格 - 我使用StartsWith ,然后使用Substring

if (targetDirectory.StartsWith("http://"))
    targetDirectory = targetDirectory.Substring("http://".Length);

Or wrap it in a helper method: 或者将其包装在辅助方法中:

public static string StripPrefix(string text, string prefix)
    return text.StartsWith(prefix) ? text.Substring(prefix.Length) : text;

It's not clear to me why you're putting the http:// as a prefix anyway though, to be honest. 我不清楚为什么你把http://作为前缀无论如何,说实话。 I can't see how you'd expect a directory name prefixed with http:// to be a valid URL. 我看不出你希望以http://为前缀的目录名是一个有效的URL。 Perhaps if you could explain why you're doing it, we could suggest a better approach. 也许如果你能解释你为什么这样做,我们可以建议一个更好的方法。

(Also, I really hope you don't have a try/catch block like that in your real code, and that normally you follow .NET naming conventions.) (另外,我真的希望你的实际代码中没有像这样的try / catch块,通常你遵循.NET命名约定。)

The problem is how can i remove the http:// ? 问题是如何删除http://?

You may use string.Replace , and replace the string with an empty string. 您可以使用string.Replace ,并用空字符串替换该字符串。

targetDirectory = targetDirectory.Replace("http://","");

or 要么

targetDirectory = targetDirectory.Replace("http://",string.Empty);

both of them are same 两者都是一样的

Try this: 试试这个:


You can always use the String.Replace to remove / replace characters in the string. 您始终可以使用String.Replace删除/替换字符串中的字符。 Exampel: Exampel:

targetDirectory = targetDirectory.Replace("http://", string.Empty);

And you can check if the string begins with Http:// by doing 你可以检查字符串是否以Http://开头


You can use the replace characters in the string by string.Replace 您可以通过string.Replace在字符串中使用替换字符

if (targetDirectory.Contains("http://"))
    targetDirectory = targetDirectory.Replace("http://",string.Empty);

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