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[英]buildr upload doesn't create maven-metadata.xml

I'm trying out buildr on two projects - one has a dependency on the other. 我正在两个项目上试用buildr-一个项目依赖于另一个项目。

buildr upload seems to work ok on project1 but when project2 tries to build it looks for project1/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml in my repo, which doesn't exist. 构建器上buildr upload似乎可以在project1上正常运行,但是当project2尝试构建时,它会在我的存储库中查找project1/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml ,该文件不存在。

Should I create the maven-metadata.xml file manually? 我应该手动创建maven-metadata.xml文件吗? It's not mentioned in the buildr docs. 生成器文档中未提及。

Here's the output from builder on project2: 这是project2上builder的输出:

Requesting http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/mydomain/project1/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml
Connecting to my-repo-server
Downloading from /usr/share/repo/com/mydomain/project1/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml
Exception while invoking prerequisites of task <Buildr::CompileTask project2:compile => [(classpath deleted)]>
Exception while invoking prerequisites of task <Rake::FileTask ~/Documents/workspace/project2/bin => [project2:compile]>
Exception while invoking prerequisites of task <Rake::Task project2:build => [~/Documents/workspace/project2/bin, project2:test]>
Exception while invoking prerequisites of task <Rake::Task default => [build]>
Buildr aborted!
Net::SFTP::StatusException : Net::SFTP::StatusException (2, "no such file")
[Stacktrace deleted]


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