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python子进程:如何在OS X上运行应用程序?

[英]python subprocess: how to run an app on OS X?

I am porting a windows application to OS X 10.6.8. 我正在将Windows应用程序移植到OS X 10.6.8。 It is a new platform for me and I am facing some difficulties. 对我来说,这是一个新平台,我面临一些困难。

The application is a small webserver (bottle+waitress) which is starting a browser (based on chromium embedded framework) thanks to a subprocess call. 该应用程序是一个小型Web服务器(bottle + waitress),由于子进程调用,该服务器正在启动浏览器(基于Chrome嵌入式框架)。

The browser is an app file and runs ok when started from gui. 浏览器是一个应用程序文件,从gui启动时可以正常运行。

I am launching it this way: 我以这种方式启动它:

subprocess.Popen([os.getcwd()+"/cef/cefclient.app", '--url='])

Unfortunately, this fails with OSError: permission denied . 不幸的是,此操作失败,并显示OSError: permission denied

I tried to run the script with a sudo with similar result. 我试图用sudo运行脚本,结果类似。

I can launch the app from shell with the following command: 我可以使用以下命令从外壳启动应用程序:

open -a "cef/cefclient.app" --args --url-


subprocess.Popen(['open', '-a', os.getcwd()+'/cef/cefclient.app', '--args', '--url-'])

fails with the following error 失败并显示以下错误

FSPathMakeRef(/Users/.../cefclient.app) failed with error -43.

Any idea how to fix this issue? 任何想法如何解决此问题?

The file cefclient.app is actually a directory (an application bundle , specifically), not the application executable. 文件cefclient.app实际上是目录(特别是应用程序捆绑包 ),而不是应用程序可执行文件。 The real executable is located inside the bundle, with a path like Contents/MacOS/executable_name . 真正的可执行文件位于软件包内部,其路径类似于Contents/MacOS/executable_name So to launch it, you'd do this: 因此,要启动它,您可以这样做:


Alternatively, 或者,

os.system('open -a "cef/cefclient.app" --args --url-')

Just depends if you want to control stdin / stdout or if starting the app is enough. 仅取决于您是否要控制stdin / stdout或启动应用程序是否足够。

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