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[英]How to write this regex?

I'm trying to replace all characters except letters, numbers and some special characters with whitespace. 我正在尝试用空格替换除字母,数字和一些特殊字符之外的所有字符。 This is the line of code I'm using: 这是我正在使用的代码行:

documentText = Regex.Replace(documentText, @"^((?![a-zA-Z0-9%\-\@\$&']).*)$", " ");

It doesn't work. 它不起作用。 I tested it on a sample text like this: 我在这样的示例文本上测试了它:

[]\^|+*(){} ~#%=/<>-!@$&_'",.?;:
this should stay

and it removes everything. 它删除了一切。

Use the following regex: 使用以下正则表达式:


Using ^ inverts the character class, which is perfect for what you're looking for without using a negative lookahead. 使用^反转字符类,这对于你正在寻找的东西是完美的,而不使用负向前瞻。


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