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ondragenter 不影响儿童

[英]ondragenter do not affect children

Is there any way to do not fire the ondragleave event when dragging hover a children?有什么方法可以在拖动 hover 一个孩子时不触发ondragleave事件?

<div ondragenter="entered()" ondragleave="left()">
    <a href="#">children element</a>

Here an example: http://jsfiddle.net/6uu7h/4/ (Chrome)这里是一个例子: http://jsfiddle.net/6uu7h/4/ (Chrome)

I do not want that when entering the children it fires the event ondragleave since it did not really left the element.我不希望在进入子元素时触发事件ondragleave ,因为它并没有真正离开元素。

Here an example: http://jsbin.com/ahipas/4/edit这里是一个例子: http://jsbin.com/ahipas/4/edit

$(function() {
  var destination;

  $('#bidi').on('dragenter', function(event) {
    destination = event.target;
    $('#debug').append("ENTERED ELEMENT<br />");

  $('#bidi').on('dragleave', function(event) {
    if (!$(this).find(destination).size() && !$(this).find(event.target).size()) {
      $('#debug').append("LEFT ELEMENT<br />");

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