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[英]EntityManager exception handling in session bean

I have a managed stateless session bean with injected EntityManager em. 我有一个注入了EntityManager em的托管无状态会话bean。

What I am trying to do is to have a database table with unique column. 我想做的是让数据库表具有唯一列。 Then I run some algorithm which is trying to insert an entity. 然后,我运行一些尝试插入实体的算法。 If entity exists however it will update it or skip it. 如果实体存在,它将更新或跳过它。

I would like to have something like this: 我想要这样的东西:

try {   
} catch (PersistenceException e) {  
// Check if the exception is DatabaseException and ConstraintViolation
    // Update instead or skip it

Problem is that I am able to catch only PersistenceException . 问题是我只能捕获PersistenceException DatabaseException is not catched. 未捕获DatabaseException It is sad because only DatabaseException has method called getDatabaseErrorCode() I would like to use to check duplicate entry. 令人遗憾的是,只有DatabaseException具有名为getDatabaseErrorCode()方法,我想用它来检查重复项。 I dont understand it because PersistenceException.getCause() returns DatabaseException . 我不明白,因为PersistenceException.getCause()返回DatabaseException

So my question is: How do I catch DatabaseException and check the MySQL error code? 所以我的问题是:如何捕获DatabaseException并检查MySQL错误代码?

Thank you for any ideas and experiences with this. 感谢您的任何想法和经验。

I have a suggestion which is I use in my application. 我有一个建议,可以在我的应用程序中使用。 We can retrieve the SQLException from PersistenceException . 我们可以从PersistenceException检索SQLException After that, try to get sql error code for SQLException . 之后,尝试获取SQLException sql error code If your requirement is to get the sql error code , your can follow my example; 如果您的要求是获取sql error code ,则可以按照我的示例进行;

public void insert(Group group) throws DAOException {
    try {
        //your operation
        logger.debug("insert() method has been successfully finisehd.");
    } catch (PersistenceException pe) {
        String sqlErroCode = getErrorCode(pe);
        // do your operation based on sql errocode

protected String getErrorCode(RuntimeException e) {
    Throwable throwable = e;
    while (throwable != null && !(throwable instanceof SQLException)) {
        throwable = throwable.getCause();
    if (throwable instanceof SQLException) {
        Properties properties = --> load sql error code form configuration file.
        SQLException sqlex = (SQLException) throwable;
        String errorCode = properties.getProperty(sqlex.getErrorCode() + "");
        return errorCode;
    return "NONE";

Example error code configuration of mysql mysql的错误代码示例配置

mysql_error_code.properties mysql_error_code.properties

#MySQL Database

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