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[英]Secure database storage in Android

I'm implementing the in-app-billing system for my app and (as the documentation advices) I'd like to add some encryption system to the database. 我正在为我的应用程序实现应用程序内计费系统,并且(根据文档建议)我想向数据库添加一些加密系统。

I've tested SQLCipher , I liked it but since it need to override all the classes at android.database.sqlite.* your app loses the connection to that part of the SDK, losing possible important future updates and depending on the developer (or yourself since is opensource). 我已经测试过SQLCipher ,我很喜欢它,但是由于它需要覆盖android.database.sqlite.*所有类,因此您的应用失去了与该SDK部分的连接,失去了可能的重要将来更新,并且取决于开发人员(或您自己,因为它是开源的)。

Other solution I've considered is to add a extra column in the sensible tables storing there a value (unique for each device), and then ignore the data that don't contain that key. 我考虑过的其他解决方案是在sensible表中添加一个额外的列,在其中存储一个值(每个设备唯一),然后忽略不包含该键的数据。 But this method is clearly more weak. 但是这种方法显然更弱。

How can I improve the security without using SQLCipher? 不使用SQLCipher如何提高安全性? Thanks 谢谢

If your sensible table contains columns that are sensible and some that aren't, and if you don't use the sensible columns in a where clause, the you can easly encrypt/decrypt just that sensible fields on write/read operations without a significant performance cost. 如果您的sensible表包含的是有意义的列,而有些不是,并且如果您不在where子句中使用敏感的列,则可以轻松地对写/读操作中的敏感字段进行加密/解密。性能成本。

If you need to use sensible columns in your where clause in a table with just a few records, you can read all the records, decrypt and choose. 如果您需要在仅包含几条记录的表的where子句中使用敏感列,则可以读取所有记录,解密并选择。

If none of the above aplies, then I have no other suggestion beside SQLCipher . 如果以上都不适用,那么除了SQLCipher之外,我没有其他建议。

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