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[英]How to disable keydown processing when using autocomplete with FF (or IE) in a text box using javascript?

In order to control what fields the Enter key affects, I wrote the folowing javascript which gets called on the keydown event: 为了控制Enter键影响哪些字段,我编写了以下javascript,它在keydown事件中被调用:

function editorEnter(e)
    var key;
    if (window.event) key = window.event.keyCode;     //IE
    else key = e.which;                               //firefox
    if (key == 13) addEditorRow('EditorTable');

Here's how it is used in the context of a text field: 以下是在文本字段的上下文中使用它的方式:

<input type="text" name="EditorSurname" class="EditorSurnameText" 
 value="" onkeydown="editorEnter(event);" onkeyup="EnableSave();"/>

The problem is that in FireFox with autocomplete enabled, if I select a value from the autocomplete dropdown and press enter, it does not perform the autocomplete and adds the row to the table. 问题在于,在启用了自动完成功能的FireFox中,如果我从自动完成功能下拉列表中选择一个值并按Enter,则它不会执行自动完成功能,而是将行添加到表中。 Is there a way to disbale the enter key functionality when selecting autocomplete? 选择自动完成功能时,是否可以取消Enter键功能?

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