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[英]opencpu server, how to implement OAuth2 interface?

I have installed an OpenCPU server and am trying to let users create their own logins but I keep on getting the following error message: 我已经安装了OpenCPU服务器,并试图让用户创建自己的登录名,但是我继续收到以下错误消息:

GET /auth/login
Github secret file not found.

Any ideas as to what i'm doing wrong? 关于我在做什么错的任何想法吗?

The auth/login endpoint is related to the (experimental) github authentication. auth/login端点与(实验)github身份验证有关。 For this to work, you need to create a file on the system named /etc/opencpu/secret.conf containing the github 'secret', which is sort of a private key. 为此,您需要在/etc/opencpu/secret.conf系统上创建一个文件,其中包含github'secret',这是一种私钥。 The secret.conf file must be formatted like this: secret.conf文件的格式必须如下所示:

  "secret": "1515ab906aa1c8250e99410fb204a8d3fd16a738"

For more info on github authentication and registering your domain to get a secret, see http://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/ . 有关github身份验证和注册域以获取秘密的更多信息,请参见http://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/

On a side note: if you are hosting your own server, it might be easier to ssh-in as root and install R packages you would like to use in the standard lcoations. 附带说明一下:如果您托管自己的服务器,则以root身份插入并安装要在标准版本中使用的R包可能会更容易。 These packages will then become available under /R/pub eg: http://public.opencpu.org/R/pub . 然后,这些软件包将在/R/pub下可用,例如: http : //public.opencpu.org/R/pub

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