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[英]Communication between a .Net desktop application and a Silverlight application in browser

We have a .Net application running in a user's desktop and another Silverlight application running in a browser on the same desktop. 我们有一个.Net应用程序运行在用户桌面上,另一个Silverlight应用程序运行在同一桌面上的浏览器中。 I need to pass some data from the desktop .net application to the Silverlight client on the browser. 我需要将一些数据从桌面.net应用程序传递到浏览器上的Silverlight客户端。 Based on the data sent from the .Net app, Silverlight client needs to call a web service and display the result on the Silverlight client. 根据从.Net应用程序发送的数据,Silverlight客户端需要调用Web服务并在Silverlight客户端上显示结果。 Can you please give me possible options to achieve this? 你能给我可能的选择吗? Thanks! 谢谢!

我认为可以在桌面应用程序中托管WCF双工服务,并且可以与siverlight应用程序进行通信,也可以使用代理将推送通知发送到silverlight check SignalR

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