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[英]Loading CSS background images before normal images?

I have a ruby on rails web app, and in some views i have many heavy images( <img> ) to render .The <img> are generated in a Helper. 我在Rails Web应用程序上有一个ruby,在某些视图中我要渲染很多沉重的图像( <img> )。 <img>是在Helper中生成的。

The problem is that the css is loaded first, then the js, then the heavy images , and then finally the css refereneced background images. 问题在于,首先加载css,然后加载js,然后加载沉重的图像,然后再加载css参考背景图像。

It takes quite a while for all of the heavy images to load, which therefore holds the whole site up. 所有沉重的图像都需要花费相当长的时间才能加载,因此可以支撑整个站点。

I want to load first the css background images then load the other images, as they obviously hold visual structure of the page. 我想先加载CSS背景图像,然后再加载其他图像,因为它们显然拥有页面的视觉结构。

rails version: 2.3.8 滑轨版本:2.3.8

EDIT: Thank you guys, I apologize for not having shared the code earlier. 编辑:谢谢大家,我很抱歉没有更早地共享代码。

I have two models : Categories and Images, each Category has many images. 我有两个模型:类别和图像,每个类别都有很多图像。 In the view i have a list of categories, which is generated by a helper : 在视图中,我有一个类别列表,该列表由助手生成:

categories.each do |cat|
    html << "<a href='##{cat.id}' class='mapcat' >#{cat.libelle}</a>"

and when I click on the category the images are displayed 当我单击类别时,将显示图像

categories_images.each do |i|
    html << "<div id='#{i.id}' class='#{css}'><img src='/images_moi/categories/#{cat.libelle}/#{i.path_file_name}' />"

I have css background image associated to the list of category The problem is that the images ( <img> ) is displayed before the css background images of the list of categories. 我有与类别列表关联的css背景图像问题是图像( <img> )显示在类别列表的css背景图像之前。

We need to assume things because you haven't shared your code. 我们需要做一些假设,因为您尚未共享代码。

Coming to your query, for now you can preload images using jQuery : 来查询一下,现在您可以使用jQuery预加载图像:

function preload(arrayOfImages) {
        $('<img/>')[0].src = this;
        // Alternatively you could use:
        // (new Image()).src = this;

// Usage:


This saves the loading time of loading images. 这样可以节省加载图像的加载时间。

Use a base64 string. 使用base64字符串。

Example: 例:

background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,*CONVERTED IMAGE DATA HERE*);

Solution: Do not use the img tag. 解决方案: 请勿使用img标签。

  1. Create a sprite containing all your images. 创建一个包含所有图像的精灵。 Load the sprite in your application.html layout once. 一次将精灵加载到application.html布局中。
  2. Use data uris to transmit the data directly in the html. 使用data uris直接在html中传输数据。 See http://css-tricks.com/data-uris/ 参见http://css-tricks.com/data-uris/

My approach is to lazy load the images using jquery and data- tags. 我的方法是使用jquery和data-tag延迟加载图像。 This approach also allows me to choose different images based on device width and spare tablet/mobile users. 这种方法还允许我根据设备的宽度和平板电脑/移动设备的备用用户来选择不同的图像。

<img src="" data-src="/img/graphic-desktop.jpg" data-smallsrc="/img/graphic-smaller.jpg" alt="Graphics" class="lazy" />

<!-- the following would be in your js file -->
$lazy = $('img.lazy');

  // window load will wait for all page elements to load, including css backgrounds
    // run thru each img.lazy on the page. spare the jquery calls by making $this a variable
    $this = $(this);
    // if the window is greater then 800px wide, use data-src, otherwise, use the smaller graphic
    ($(window).width() >= 800) ? $this.attr('src', $this.attr('data-src')) : $this.attr('src', $this.attr('data-smallsrc'));

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