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GWT RadioButton Change Handler

[英]GWT RadioButton Change Handler

I have a poll widget with RadioButton choices and Label votes 我有一个带有RadioButton选项和标签投票的投票小部件

  1. When user selects a choice, choice votes should +1; 当用户选择一个选项时,选择投票应该+1;
  2. When another choice selected, old choice votes should -1 and new choice votes should +1. 当选择另一个选择时,旧选择投票应为-1,新选择投票应为+1。

I used ValueChangeHandler for this: 我为此使用了ValueChangeHandler:

valueRadioButton.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() {
            public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> e) {
                if(e.getValue() == true)
                    votesPlusDelta(votesLabel, +1);
                    votesPlusDelta(votesLabel, -1);

private void votesPlusDelta(Label votesLabel, int delta)
    int votes = Integer.parseInt(votesLabel.getText());
    votes = votes + delta;

When user selects new choice, older choice listener should jump in else statement, but it won't (Only +1 part works). 当用户选择新选项时,较旧的选择侦听器应该跳入else语句,但不会(仅+1部分工作)。 What should i do? 我该怎么办?

It says in the RadioButton javadoc that you won't receive a ValueChangeEvent when a radio button is cleared. 它在RadioButton javadoc中说明,当清除单选按钮时,你不会收到ValueChangeEvent。 Unfortunately, this means you will have to do all bookkeeping yourself. 不幸的是,这意味着您必须自己完成所有簿记。

As an alterative to creating your own RadioButtonGroup class as suggested on the GWT issue tracker, you could consider doing something like this: 作为在GWT问题跟踪器上建议创建自己的RadioButtonGroup类的替代方法,您可以考虑执行以下操作:

private int lastChoice = -1;
private Map<Integer, Integer> votes = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
// Make sure to initialize the map with whatever you need

Then when you initialize the radio buttons: 然后在初始化单选按钮时:

List<RadioButton> allRadioButtons = new ArrayList<RadioButton>();

// Add all radio buttons to list here

for (RadioButton radioButton : allRadioButtons) {
    radioButton.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() {
            public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> e) {

The updateVotes method then looks something like this: 然后updateVotes方法看起来像这样:

private void updateVotes(int choice) {
    if (votes.containsKey(lastChoice)) {
        votes.put(lastChoice, votes.get(lastChoice) - 1);

    votes.put(choice, votes.get(choice) + 1);
    lastChoice = choice;

    // Update labels using the votes map here

Not very elegant, but it should do the job. 不是很优雅,但它应该做的工作。

There is an open defect on this specific problem over at the GWT issue tracker . GWT问题跟踪器上,这个特定问题存在缺陷。 The last comment has a suggestion, basically it appears you need to have changehandlers on all radiobuttons and keep track of the groupings yourself... 最后一条评论有一个建议,基本上你似乎需要在所有radiobuttons上有更改处理程序并自己跟踪分组...

Cheers, 干杯,

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