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[英]iPad apps never install in Retina simulator

I've racked my brains over this one, and I'm probably just making a stupid mistake. 我绞尽脑汁想着这个,我可能只是犯了一个愚蠢的错误。 After switching to Xcode 4.5.1 (it may have happened at 4.5) I simply cannot load an app into the iPad Retina simulator. 切换到Xcode 4.5.1后(可能发生在4.5)我根本无法将应用程序加载到iPad Retina模拟器中。 I've edited the compilation scheme to say to always use the Retina display for the iPad. 我编辑了编译方案,说要始终使用iPad的Retina显示器。 No love. 没爱。 It used to be that you could change simulators on the fly and whatever one was open would be the one the project compiled for. 过去,您可以随时更改模拟器,无论打开哪个都是项目编译的模拟器。 But I can't figure out how to do this in 4.5. 但我无法弄清楚如何在4.5中做到这一点。 Help! 救命!

Something funky is going on, which seems to be not acting as expected. 时髦的东西正在发生,似乎没有像预期的那样发挥作用。 Try these solutions in the following order. 按以下顺序尝试这些解决方案。

  1. Your method is correct, you set your Simulator Display preference when editing your schemes. 您的方法是正确的,您在编辑方案时设置了模拟器显示首选项。 Make sure your destination for the scheme is the iPad simulator, that it's tied to the Run scheme, and set iPad Simulator display to Retina. 确保您的方案的目的地是iPad模拟器,它与运行方案绑定,并将iPad模拟器显示设置为Retina。 Save/apply your scheme changes, try to run your app. 保存/应用您的方案更改,尝试运行您的应用程序。 If that doesn't work, close + re-open Xcode, check scheme settings to see if they stuck, and try again 如果这不起作用,请关闭+重新打开Xcode,检查方案设置以查看它们是否卡住,然后重试


    You may want to double check if your changes stuck. 您可能需要仔细检查您的更改是否卡住了。 Delve into your project file (by right clicking on your project file, and selecting "Show Package Contents"). 深入研究项目文件(右键单击项目文件,然后选择“显示包内容”)。 Then navigate to: 然后导航到:


    Open it up in your favourite editor, and check to see if there's a: 在你最喜欢的编辑器中打开它,检查是否有:

     simulatorIPadDisplay = "2.000000" 

    ...for your required scheme ...为您所需的计划

  2. If none of that worked, then it may be an issue with your derived data (unlikely, but step 1 should have worked). 如果这些都不起作用,那么它可能是您的派生数据的问题(不太可能,但步骤1应该有效)。 Go to Organizer, and select the Projects tab. 转到管理器,然后选择“项目”选项卡。 Then hit 'Delete...' for derived data. 然后点击“删除...”获取派生数据。 Do the same as before; 和以前一样; run, close Xcode, check and re-run. 运行,关闭Xcode,检查并重新运行。


  3. Well we really are in a pickle, that is the only method to set your preferred simulator display for a build scheme. 好吧,我们真的在泡菜中,这是为构建方案设置首选模拟器显示的唯一方法。 You may need to resort to removing Xcode and re-installing, and trying the previous steps again. 您可能需要使用删除Xcode并重新安装,并再次尝试前面的步骤。

  4. What on earth is going on?! 到底是怎么回事?! We've exhausted our methods, you may need to let Apple know about this issue. 我们已经用尽了我们的方法,您可能需要让Apple知道这个问题。

Well, after a long session of "find all of my settings files and save them, delete Xcode and all of its settings files, reinstall Xcode, re-download simulators and dockets, replace settings files, etc., etc." 好吧,经过长时间的“找到我的所有设置文件并保存它们,删除Xcode及其所有设置文件,重新安装Xcode,重新下载模拟器和数据库,替换设置文件等等”之后。 I found myself in the same position. 我发现自己处于相同的位置。 No Retina simulator for me. 没有Retina模拟器对我来说。

The problem wasn't Xcode or the project file--the 5.0 simulator will simply not launch in Retina mode. 问题不是Xcode或项目文件 - 5.0模拟器根本不会在Retina模式下启动。 The 5.1 and 6.0 simulators work fine, as I discovered when I switched to them in the compilation scheme. 5.16.0模拟器工作正常,正如我在编译方案中切换到它时发现的那样。 Switch back to 5.0 and I'm stuck in normal simulator mode. 切换回5.0,我陷入了正常的模拟器模式。 The reason I've been using the 5.0 simulator was to test lowest-common-denominator iOS features. 我一直在使用5.0模拟器的原因是测试最低通用分母的iOS功能。 That, and there is a bug in iOS 6.0 that affects large packet transfer via IPSec that hasn't been fixed yet. 那,iOS 6.0中存在一个错误,它通过IPSec影响大型数据包传输尚未修复。

So, I still don't know what the missing Derived Data status was all about, except that it's fixed now and I assume that reinstalling the app was the fix. 所以,我仍然不知道丢失的Derived Data状态是什么,除了它现在已经修复,我认为重新安装应用程序是修复。

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