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JIT Spacetree将标签保存为图像

[英]JIT Spacetree Save Labels as Image

I am using the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit ( http://thejit.org/ ) and am trying to print my expanded space-tree visualization using canvas.toDataURL("image/png") . 我正在使用JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit( http://thejit.org/ ),并尝试使用canvas.toDataURL("image/png")打印我的扩展空间树可视化。 While this works for my ForceDirected graph -- in the SpaceTree we have our labels in a separate DIV so when I print the image I get a blank graph. 虽然这适用于我的ForceDirected图形 - 在SpaceTree中,我们将标签放在单独的DIV中,因此当我打印图像时,我得到一个空白图形。

Does anyone know how to print the labels? 有谁知道如何打印标签? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。 I have attached a manual screenshot of the graph and the image we get when printing. 我附上了图表的手动屏幕截图和打印时获得的图像。

Yes - I did see the question here -- but it doesnt answer my question as we cannot use "Native" labels because we do some on the fly styling. 是的 - 我确实在这里看到了这个问题 - 但它没有回答我的问题,因为我们不能使用“原生”标签,因为我们在飞行造型上做了一些。

HTML Code: HTML代码:

<div id="infovis" style="height: 412px;">
   <div id="infovis-canviswidget" style="position: relative; width: 800px; height: 412px;">
     <canvas id="infovis-canvas" width=800" height="412" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 412px;"></canvas>
     <div id="infovis-label" style="overflow: visible; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 0px;">
           -- Labels are in here --

Manual Screenshot 手动截图 手动截图 Blank Printed Image 空白的印刷图像 空白打印图像

I sort of solved this issue by using html2canvas plugin. 我通过使用html2canvas插件解决了这个问题。 Basically, html2canvas will create a new canvas of a div element (with its children) which then you convert to a png image file with myCanvas.toDataURL("image/png") . 基本上,html2canvas将创建一个div元素(带有子元素)的新画布,然后使用myCanvas.toDataURL("image/png")将其转换为png图像文件。 This image will include your HTML labels. 此图片将包含您的HTML标签。 (Beware that html2canvas may not handle properly the labels' CSS properties.) (请注意,html2canvas可能无法正确处理标签的CSS属性。)

 html2canvas(document.getElementById("diagram-container"), {
         onrendered: function(canvas) {
         var img = canvas.toDataURL();
         document.write('<img src="'+img+'"/>');

I should have posted this back in October when I found it -- but it slipped my mind. 我应该在10月份发现它时发现它 - 但它让我感到不安。 I was able to find an answer to my own question. 我能够找到自己问题的答案。

First check out the post here HTML 5 Canvas Save Image 首先看看这里的帖子HTML 5 Canvas Save Image

Here is how I implemented the solution (get CanvasSaver function code from link above): 以下是我实现解决方案的方法(从上面的链接获取CanvasSaver功能代码):

function SaveCanvas(canvasName) {
  var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasName);
  var imgUrl = null;

  if (canvas.getContext) {
    //Get alternative image URL for spacetree only
    if (canvasName.indexOf("tag") == -1) {
        imgUrl = $jit.ST.prototype.print.call();

    var cs = new CanvasSaver('http://joeltrost.com/php/functions/saveme.php');
    //cs.saveJPEG(canvas, 'image');
    cs.savePNG(canvas, 'image', imgUrl);

Finally -- code your ASP button to call the SaveCanvas function: 最后 - 编写ASP按钮来调用SaveCanvas函数:

<asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" ImageUrl="Images/save_icon.png" ToolTip="Save Visualization" AlternateText="Save Visualization" OnClientClick="SaveCanvas('tagCloudVis-canvas');return false;" Style="left: 2px; top:3px; position:relative;" runat=server />

I know this thread is old. 我知道这个帖子已经过时了。 But, in case anyone is looking for this and do not want to use html2canvas. 但是,如果有人正在寻找这个并且不想使用html2canvas。 here is a solution for you guys. 这是你们的解决方案。

         Label: {
            type: 'Native'

Add the above in your javascript code var st = new $jit.ST({ <here> }) 在您的javascript代码中添加以上内容var st = new $jit.ST({ <here> })

To save it as a image, add the following code. 要将其另存为图像,请添加以下代码。


<a onclick="getImage(this, 'filename.png', 'tree-id')">download tree</a>


function getImage(a, filename, id){
 a.link = document.getElementById(id).toDataURL();
 a.download = filename;

Happy Coding :) 快乐编码:)

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