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我如何在Magento中自己的模块中的CMS-> Pages中重新创建页面网格列表

[英]How would I recreate the list of pages grid that's seen in CMS->Pages in my own module in Magento

I have created a Magento admin module with it's own menu and page in the back-end, and am trying to recreate how CMS->Pages lists every page in it's grid on my own page, then add my own column. 我已经创建了一个Magento管理模块,并在后端使用了自己的菜单和页面,并尝试重新创建CMS->Pages如何在自己的页面上列出其网格中的每个页面,然后添加自己的列。

So far, after switching on template hints for the admin section, I have seen that the original Magento CMS section template is loaded from adminhtml\\default\\default\\template\\widget/grid.phtml . 到目前为止,打开admin部分的模板提示后,我已经看到原始的Magento CMS部分模板是从adminhtml\\default\\default\\template\\widget/grid.phtml

I have copied the contents of this file to my page, but of course, the $this reference that the original uses doesn't have the same loaded classes/data asociated with it on my own module page. 我已将此文件的内容复制到我的页面,但是,当然,原始使用的$this引用在我自己的模块页面上没有与之关联的相同加载类/数据。

Can anyone tell me if I'm along the right lines with this, or how I might achieve the same effect as CMS->Pages , but on my own page and adding my own column? 谁能告诉我我是否正确,或者如何实现与CMS->Pages相同的效果,但是在我自己的页面上并添加自己的列?

To accomplish this you can create a custom module that extend /app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Cms/Block/Grid.php 为此,您可以创建一个扩展/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Cms/Block/Grid.php的自定义模块

Assuming that you're adding a database field to cms table 假设您要向cms表添加数据库字段

Create /app/code/local/RWS/CmsGrid/etc/config.xml 创建/app/code/local/RWS/CmsGrid/etc/config.xml


Create /app/code/local/RWS/CmsGrid/Block/Cms/Block/Grid.php 创建/app/code/local/RWS/CmsGrid/Block/Cms/Block/Grid.php

class RWS_CmsGrid_Block_Cms_Block_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Cms_Block_Grid

   protected function _prepareColumns()

      $this->addColumn('xxxxxx', array(
          'header'    => Mage::helper('cms')->__('Xxxxx'),
          'align'     => 'left',
          'index'     => 'title',

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