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[英]How to write this SQL for linking data in DB2?

For example, there are two columns - ID1 and ID2 which are linked to each other. 例如,有两列--ID1和ID2相互链接。 It is possible that the IDs are linked with other IDs in the table. ID可能与表中的其他ID链接。

ID1         ID2
001         002
001         003
004         005
002         006
005         007

In the above table, 001, 002, 003, 006 are linked and 004, 005, 007 are linked. 在上表中,001,002,003,006被链接并且004,005,007被链接。

Is it possible to query this information in SQL for DB2? 是否可以在SQL for DB2中查询此信息?

The format is similar as the following: 格式类似如下:

Group       ID
1           001
1           002
1           003
1           006
2           004
2           005
2           007

On the other hand, if one more record (008, 007) is added to the table 另一方面,如果向表中添加一个记录(008,007)

ID1         ID2
001         002
001         003
004         005
002         006
005         007
008         007  (Newly added)

The expected result will be: 预期结果将是:

Group       ID
1           001
1           002
1           003
1           006
2           004
2           005
2           007
2           008

because 004, 005, 007, 008 are linked. 因为004,005,007,008是相互关联的。

The DB2 Version is 9.7. DB2版本是9.7。

Sure you can! 你当然可以! It requires a recursive query: 它需要递归查询:

WITH Recur (grp, root, leaf) as (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY root.id1), 
                                        CAST(NULL as CHAR(3)), 
                                 FROM Linked as root
                                 EXCEPTION JOIN Linked as leaf
                                 ON leaf.id2 = root.id1
                                 GROUP BY root.id1
                                 UNION ALL 
                                 SELECT grp, leaf, id2
                                 FROM Recur 
                                 JOIN Linked
                                 ON id1 = leaf)

SELECT grp, leaf 
FROM Recur
ORDER BY grp, leaf

(Tested on my local iSeries, and have a working SQL Fiddle example , which has to use the LEFT JOIN -style exception to work in SQL Server) (在我的本地iSeries上测试过,并且有一个有效的SQL Fiddle示例 ,它必须使用LEFT JOIN style异常才能在SQL Server中工作)

Yields the expected output: 产生预期的输出:

grp   leaf
1     001 
1     002 
1     003 
1     006 
2     004 
2     005 
2     007 

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