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[英]Extra GET Request on META Refresh Redirect (CGI-C)

I have a form (on page form.html ) submitting with POST method to a CGI-C page - let's call it form.cgi - and what form.cgi does is it redirects the user to the previous page (to form.html ) with appending query strings using HTTP-EQUIV Refresh META after 5 seconds. 我有一个表单(在form.html页面form.html )使用POST方法提交到CGI-C页面-我们称它为form.cgi - form.cgi所做的是它将用户重定向到上一个页面(到form.html )在5秒钟后使用HTTP-EQUIV Refresh META附加查询字符串。

However, if I monitor the Web server's access.log although I see the appropriate POST request for form.cgi there is an additional GET request for form.cgi again, after 5 seconds just before redirecting the user to form.html 但是,如果我监视Web服务器的access.log ,虽然我看到合适的POST请求form.cgi有额外GET请求form.cgi再次,5秒后只是将用户重定向到前form.html

Has anyone faced with such an issue? 有没有人遇到过这样的问题?

答案似乎在POST页面上,请求发送Refresh标头的位置使Firefox创建GET请求,但仍保留POST数据 -并且<meta> Refresh已被弃用,完全不应使用。

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