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Magento Cron工作表达动态

[英]Magento cron job expression dynamically

i am trying to set up a cron job dynamically in my custom module. 我试图在我的自定义模块中动态设置cron作业。 but this do not save the job_code to cron_schedule table. 但这不会将job_code保存到cron_schedule表中。

         <!--<schedule><cron_expr>*/5 * * * *</cron_expr></schedule>-->     

And the cron_expr is commented, because i am generating it from configurations. 并且对cron_expr进行了注释,因为我是从配置生成它的。 and this saves expression and model in config_data table like, 这会将表达式和模型保存在config_data表中,例如,

 path: crontab/jobs/process_bookingreservation_summary/schedule/cron_expr  
 value: 0 17 * * *

 path : crontab/jobs/process_bookingreservation_summary/run/model
 value : bookingreservation/observer::sendBookingSummaryEmail

this class executes and saves into config_data 此类执行并保存到config_data中

 class ABC_Bookingreservation_Model_Config_Backend_Cron extends Mage_Core_Model_Config_Data
const CRON_STRING_PATH  = 'crontab/jobs/process_bookingreservation_summary/schedule/cron_expr';
const CRON_MODEL_PATH   = 'crontab/jobs/process_bookingreservation_summary/run/model';

 * Cron settings after save
 * @return Mage_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Backend_Log_Cron
protected function _afterSave()
    $enabled    = $this->getData('groups/booking_summary/fields/enabled/value');
    $time       = $this->getData('groups/booking_summary/fields/time/value');
    $frequncy   = $this->getData('groups/booking_summary/fields/frequency/value');

    $frequencyDaily     = Mage_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Source_Cron_Frequency::CRON_DAILY;
    $frequencyWeekly    = Mage_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Source_Cron_Frequency::CRON_WEEKLY;
    $frequencyMonthly   = Mage_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Source_Cron_Frequency::CRON_MONTHLY;

    if ($enabled)
        $cronDayOfWeek = date('N');
        $cronExprArray = array(
            intval($time[1]),                                   # Minute
            intval($time[0]),                                   # Hour
            ($frequncy == $frequencyMonthly) ? '1' : '*',       # Day of the Month
            '*',                                                # Month of the Year
            ($frequncy == $frequencyWeekly) ? '1' : '*',        # Day of the Week
        $cronExprString = join(' ', $cronExprArray);

        $cronExprString = '';

            ->load(self::CRON_STRING_PATH, 'path')

            ->load(self::CRON_MODEL_PATH, 'path')
            ->setValue((string) Mage::getConfig()->getNode(self::CRON_MODEL_PATH))
    catch (Exception $e)
        Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('Unable to save the cron expression.'));

} }

can any one help where is issue with my code, because whenever i run cron.php through browser cron_scedule table updates, but do not save job_code from this job. 谁能帮我解决我的代码问题,因为每当我通过浏览器运行cron.php时,cron_scedule表就会更新,但不要保存此作业中的job_code。

  1. you don't need to save the run_model ( you already have declared it the xml ) 您不需要保存run_model(您已经声明了xml)
  2. try this: path: crontab/jobs/bookingreservation_summary/schedule/cron_expr instead of: path: crontab/jobs/process_bookingreservation_summary/schedule/cron_expr 试试这个: path: crontab/jobs/bookingreservation_summary/schedule/cron_expr代替: path: crontab/jobs/process_bookingreservation_summary/schedule/cron_expr

if you don't solve look at how it works the cron settings for sitemap module ( it does the same you want to achieve ) 如果您不解决,请查看站点地图模块的cron设置如何工作(它可以实现您想要的效果)

Uncomment the following line in your code and see whether it works. 取消注释代码中的以下行,并查看其是否有效。

 <!--<schedule><cron_expr>*/5 * * * *</cron_expr></schedule>-->

I think this may work....Let me know if it does. 我认为这可能有效。...让我知道是否可行。

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