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[英]Unable to retrive value from select options

whenever I try change the value from dropdown, it shud redirect to other URL.. 每当我尝试从下拉列表更改值时,它都会重定向到其他URL。

anyway, i just had little issue.. 无论如何,我只是没有什么问题。

when I try to change the value, iam not getting brand value, its showing me as: 'undefined' 当我尝试更改价值时,我没有获得品牌价值,它向我显示:“未定义”

Any Idea? 任何想法?

  <select id="brand" onchange="gotoPage()">

          $brands = dfr_get_brands_list($category);
        foreach ($brands as $brand) : ?>

               <option><?php echo $brand; ?></option>

        <?php endforeach; ?>


        <?php if (@$_GET['brand']) { ?>

         <a href="[server.url type='fullpage' query='-brand']"><FONT COLOR="red"><?php echo"[[X] Remove Brand "; ?><?php echo @$_GET['brand']; ?></font></a>

        <?php } ?>


          function gotoPage(){
            var url = "http://laptopsisland.com/shop/c/laptops/";
            var sel = document.getElementById("brand");
            var brand = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].text;


            window.location.href = url + "&brand=" + brand;


I would chance your options to show something like this 我将有机会选择显示类似这样的内容

<option value="<?php echo $brand; ?>"><?php echo $brand; ?></option>

and then get the selected value as Bokonic mentioned 然后获得Bokonic提到的选定值


Let me know how that works. 让我知道它是如何工作的。

You don't need to change the generation code. 您无需更改生成代码。

You also don't need to use getElementById. 您也不需要使用getElementById。

function gotoPage(e) {
    var brand = e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;
<select id="brand" onchange="gotoPage(this)">

Working solution: http://jsfiddle.net/2YzAV/2/ 工作解决方案: http : //jsfiddle.net/2YzAV/2/

Version with values: http://jsfiddle.net/2YzAV/3/ 带有值的版本: http : //jsfiddle.net/2YzAV/3/

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