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XMonad 在不同工作区启动

[英]XMonad startup on different workspaces

I want to startup some applications in different workspaces(it is important) on xmonad start.我想在 xmonad 启动时在不同的工作区中启动一些应用程序(这很重要)。 So, I wrote following startupHook :所以,我写了以下startupHook

startupApps :: [String]
startupApps = ["konsole", "emacs", "firefox", "gvim", "konsole"]

startupSpawn :: X ()
startupSpawn =  zipWithM_ id (map (spawnOn . show) [1..])  startupApps

But, it spawns all apps in first workspace.但是,它会在第一个工作区中生成所有应用程序。 It seems to be part of more general problem -- if I start application, it get workspace not when it actually started, but when it loaded.这似乎是更普遍问题的一部分——如果我启动应用程序,它会在实际启动时而不是在加载时获得工作区。 So, if I start firefox on WS1, then switch to WS2, firefox will spawn on WS2.所以,如果我在 WS1 上启动 firefox,然后切换到 WS2,firefox 将在 WS2 上产生。

Still, what can I do about my intention?尽管如此,我能对我的意图做些什么?

You can use the manageHook to tell xmonad to move certain applications to certain desktops.您可以使用manageHook告诉 xmonad 将某些应用程序移动到某些桌面。

myManageHook = composeAll . concat $ [
    [ className =? "Firefox" --> doF (shiftToWs 2) ]
  , [ className =? "gvim" --> doF (shiftToWs 3) ]
  -- and so on

The className s might vary, though.不过, className可能会有所不同。

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