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带有ipython Notebook的Amazon EC2实例

[英]Amazon ec2 instance with ipython notebook

I launched a micro instance in amazon EC2. 我在Amazon EC2中启动了一个微型实例。 As I would like to use ipython notebook, I chose the linux image called ami-74d00c1d, that contains ipython notebook ready to go. 因为我想使用ipython笔记本,所以我选择了名为ami-74d00c1d的linux映像,其中包含准备就绪的ipython笔记本。 Now I would like to create a web page using drupal in the same instance. 现在,我想在同一实例中使用drupal创建一个网页。 So I have 2 questions: 所以我有两个问题:

  1. Is there any documentation about the organization of the ami? 是否有关于AMI组织的任何文件? Where are the python files, where is the apache config... python文件在哪里,apache配置在哪里...

  2. How can I change the instance config, to point the root to another page instead of the ipython notebook? 如何更改实例配置,以将根指向其他页面而不是ipython笔记本?

I haven't found any documentation about the organization of the ami. 我尚未找到有关AMI组织的任何文档。

But to config the ipython notebook start page, the ipython documentation ( http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/interactive/htmlnotebook.html#quick-howto-running-a-public-notebook-server ) presents a very good explanation. 但是要配置ipython笔记本起始页,ipython文档( http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/interactive/htmlnotebook.html#quick-howto-running-a-public-notebook-server )提出了一个非常很好的解释。

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