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[英]Two way data binding in AngularJS Directives

I have been trying to define directives so I can display different "widgets" in a form, depending on the type of field and its parameters, which are stored in a database. 我一直在尝试定义指令,因此我可以在表单中显示不同的“小部件”,具体取决于存储在数据库中的字段类型及其参数。 I need to react to different types of scenarios, hence the need for directives to handle layout. 我需要对不同类型的场景做出反应,因此需要指令来处理布局。

While playing with a few examples, I came up with a code that *kinda* works: 在玩几个例子时,我想出了一个*有点*的代码:


<input type="text" ng-model="myModel" style="width: 90%"/>  
<div class="zippy" zippy-title="myModel"></div>

Directive 指示

myApp.directive('zippy', function(){
    return {
      restrict: 'C',
      // This HTML will replace the zippy directive.
      transclude: true,
      scope: { title:'=zippyTitle' },
      template: '<input type="text" value="{{title}}"style="width: 90%"/>',
      // The linking function will add behavior to the template
      link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            // Title element
            element.bind('blur keyup change', function() {

            var input = element.children();

            function read() {
                scope.title = input.val();

This seems to works (albeit noticeably slower than a *proper* angularJS variable binding) but I figure there must be a better way to do this. 这似乎有效(虽然明显慢于*适当的* angularJS变量绑定)但我认为必须有更好的方法来做到这一点。 Can anyone shed some light on the matter? 谁能解释一下这个问题呢?

I don't know why you are triggering the $apply method manually because you actually don't need it. 我不知道为什么你手动触发$apply方法,因为你实际上并不需要它。

I edited the example you used from the Angular page and included the input. 我编辑了您从Angular页面使用的示例并包含了输入。 It works for me: http://jsfiddle.net/6HcGS/2/ 它对我有用http//jsfiddle.net/6HcGS/2/


<div ng-app="zippyModule">
  <div ng-controller="Ctrl3">
    Title: <input ng-model="title">
    <div class="zippy" zippy-title="title"></div>


function Ctrl3($scope) {
  $scope.title = 'Lorem Ipsum';

angular.module('zippyModule', [])
  .directive('zippy', function(){
    return {
      restrict: 'C',
      replace: true,
      transclude: true,
      scope: { title:'=zippyTitle' },
      template: '<input type="text" value="{{title}}"style="width: 90%"/>',
      link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
        // Your controller

UPDATE maxisam is right, you have to use ng-model instead of binding the variable against the value like so: 更新 maxisam是对的,您必须使用ng-model而不是将变量绑定到值,如下所示:

<input type="text" ng-model="title" style="width: 90%"/>

Here is the working version: http://jsfiddle.net/6HcGS/3/ 这是工作版本: http//jsfiddle.net/6HcGS/3/

You mean something like this ? 你的意思是像这样

I basically use @Flek's example. 我基本上使用@Flek的例子。
The only difference being ng-model='title' 唯一的区别是ng-model='title'

The trick to doing two-way binding is ng-model, and it states in the document : 进行双向绑定的技巧是ng-model,它在文档中说明

ngModel is directive that tells Angular to do two-way data binding. ngModel是指示Angular执行双向数据绑定的指令。 It works together with input, select, textarea. 它与input,select,textarea一起使用。 You can easily write your own directives to use ngModel as well. 您也可以轻松编写自己的指令以使用ngModel。

<input type="text" ng-model="title" style="width: 90%"/>

Here's a way to pass to a callback parameter in a directive. 这是一种传递给指令中的回调参数的方法。 The controller template: 控制器模板:


The directive: 指令:

    .directive('componentPagingSelectDirective', [
        function( ) {
            return {
                restrict: 'E',
                scope: { 
                    // using the '=' for two way doesn't work
                    pageItemLimit:  '@', // the '@' is one way from controller
                    pageChangeHandler: '&'
                controller: function($scope) {   
                    // pass value from this scope to controller method. 
                    // controller method will update the var in controller scope
                        paramPulledOutOffThinAir: $scope.pageItemLimit

                }, ...

In the controller: 在控制器中:

        $scope.pageItemLimit = 0; // initial value for controller scoped var

        // complete the data update by setting the var in controller scope 
        // to the one from the directive
        $scope.pageChangeHandler = function(paramPulledOutOffThinAir) {
            $scope.pageItemLimit = paramPulledOutOffThinAir;

Note the difference in function parameters for the directive (an object with parameter as keys), template ('unwrapped' keys from the parameter object in directive), and controller definition. 注意指令的函数参数(带参数作为键的对象),模板(指令中参数对象的'解包'键)和控制器定义的区别。

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