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[英]Transform soap message to objects based on wsdl with rpc

i have a WSDL with one service. 我有一项服务的WSDL。 This service uses rpc. 该服务使用rpc。 Therefore I use axis 1.2, and I use wsdl2java to obtain java objects(.java). 因此,我使用轴1.2,并使用wsdl2java获得java对象(.java)。 Now, I have the wsdl, the java objects and the message. 现在,我有了wsdl,java对象和消息。 How do I transform this message to java objects without exposing the service(some method or something don't involve exposing)? 我如何在不公开服务的情况下将该消息转换为Java对象(某些方法或不涉及公开的内容)?

thanks for any help 谢谢你的帮助

I think you will need to write your own parser, based on the content of your message. 我认为您将需要根据消息的内容编写自己的解析器。 There is a similar question here: Unmarshalling SOAP Messages to java / or simply parsing SOAP message? 这里有一个类似的问题:将SOAP消息解组到java /或只是解析SOAP消息?

http://bwithers.wordpress.com/2006/07/29/serializing-an-axis-javabean-object-to-xml/ http://bwithers.wordpress.com/2006/07/29/serializing-an-axis-javabean-object-to-xml/

finally i find solution the keyword was deserialization, in this page at comments is the code for make this without exposing WS 终于我找到了解决方案,关键字是反序列化,在此页的注释中是无需公开WS即可实现的代码

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