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是否可以在 Windows 8 环境下运行在 Visual Studio 2005 上编译的 VC++、Win32 应用程序?

[英]Is it possible to run VC++, Win32 application compiled on Visual Studio 2005 on Windows 8 environment?

I am a C++ Developer and learning developing an application that runs on Windows 8 environment.我是一名 C++ 开发人员,正在学习开发在 Windows 8 环境中运行的应用程序。

My current application is VC++ - Win32 (Non-MFC) application, it is compiled on Visual Studio 2005.我当前的应用程序是 VC++ - Win32(非 MFC)应用程序,它是在 Visual Studio 2005 上编译的。
It runs on Windows XP, Windows 7 very well.它在 Windows XP、Windows 7 上运行良好。

My Questions:我的问题:

  1. Is there any tutorial available freely that help me to make my application run on Windows 8?是否有任何免费教程可以帮助我使我的应用程序在 Windows 8 上运行?
  2. Is it strongly required to re-write the code and convert my application to Metro Style Application?是否强烈需要重新编写代码并将我的应用程序转换为 Metro 风格应用程序?

You can run the application on Windows 8 (except Windows RT) as a regular win32 application.您可以在 Windows 8(Windows RT 除外)上将应用程序作为常规的 win32 应用程序运行。 We currently compile our windows app with Visual Studio 2005, and it works on Windows 2000 to Windows 8.我们目前使用 Visual Studio 2005 编译我们的 Windows 应用程序,它适用于 Windows 2000 到 Windows 8。

If you want to make it a "Windows Store App" with the interface formerly known as Metro, you'll need to rewrite at least the user interface to use the new Metro APIs, and you won't be able to use Visual Studio 2005 for that.如果您想让它成为具有以前称为 Metro 的界面的“Windows 应用商店应用程序”,您至少需要重写用户界面以使用新的 Metro API,并且您将无法使用 Visual Studio 2005为了那个原因。 If you did that you'd need to make two versions of the app, one for the "Windows store" on windows 8 and one for all previous versions of Windows.如果这样做,您需要制作两个版本的应用程序,一个用于 Windows 8 上的“Windows 商店”,另一个用于所有以前版本的 Windows。

Your application should almost certainly run just fine on Windows 8 if it runs fine on 7 and Vista, provided that any necessary runtime components (eg the VS2005 redists) are installed, if they're not already present.如果您的应用程序在 7 和 Vista 上运行良好,那么您的应用程序几乎可以肯定在 Windows 8 上运行良好,前提是安装了任何必要的运行时组件(例如 VS2005 redists),如果它们尚未存在的话。

As for rewriting it as Metro style, that really depends, both on the app itself, and whether you think it makes sense for your target market.至于将其重写为 Metro 风格,这实际上取决于应用程序本身,以及您是否认为它对您的目标市场有意义。 That question can only be answered by you (and I guess, your users).这个问题只能由您(我猜是您的用户)来回答。

For question 1, check MSDN, a lot of material there.对于问题 1,查看 MSDN,那里有很多材料。 For 2, not required, most of old application can run on Windows 8 without modification. 2、不需要,大部分旧应用程序无需修改即可在Windows 8上运行。 you don't need to convert your application to Metro style您无需将应用程序转换为 Metro 风格

And the reason why your store application needs to be written using Visual Studio 2012 is because for Store apps, only the C++ runtime from VS 2012 is supported.您的商店应用程序需要使用 Visual Studio 2012 编写的原因是因为对于商店应用程序,仅支持来自 VS 2012 的 C++ 运行时。 See the below post for more details:有关更多详细信息,请参阅以下帖子:

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2012/09/28/10354327.aspx http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2012/09/28/10354327.aspx

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