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如果我撤销iOS Enterprise,该应用程序仍然有效吗?

[英]If I revoke iOS Enterprise will the app still work?

I am deploying my application via external URL. 我正在通过外部URL部署我的应用程序。 The application is installed on hundreds of devices all over the world using a Enterprise provisioning profile. 该应用程序使用企业配置文件安装在全球数百台设备上。 The certificate is about to expire with a few days. 证书即将过期几天。 My question is would revoking the certificate effect any of the existing users? 我的问题是会撤销任何现有用户的证书效果吗? I am aware that new users wont be able to install the application but what about existing users? 我知道新用户将无法安装应用程序,但现有用户呢? Will they still be able to use the application correctly? 他们仍然能够正确使用该应用程序吗? If so do you know a time frame of how long Apple allows the application to work for? 如果是这样,您是否知道Apple允许该应用程序工作多长时间?

Revoking the certificate will make any existing apps fail. 撤销证书将使任何现有应用程序失败。 I believe the certificates are checked when the device is rebooted. 我相信在重启设备时会检查证书。

You need to create another new certificate and update your user's device with a newly built app. 您需要创建另一个新证书并使用新构建的应用程序更新用户的设备。

However, even if you don't revoke the current certificate, any existing apps will still stop working when it expires in a few days. 但是,即使您不撤销当前证书,任何现有应用程序在几天后到期时仍将停止工作。

https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/DistributingEnterpriseProgramApps/DistributingEnterpriseProgramApps.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012582-CH33-SW13 https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/DistributingEnterpriseProgramApps/DistributingEnterpriseProgramApps.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012582-CH33-SW13

Important: Revoking an enterprise distribution certificate invalidates all apps that were signed and deployed with that certificate. 重要提示:撤消企业分发证书会使使用该证书签名和部署的所有应用程序无效。

New location 新的位置

https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1868/_index.html https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1868/_index.html

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