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[英]How can I have a required and nonSerialized attribute in my model

In my Model I have things like that : 在我的模型中,我有类似的东西:


    public string PasswordConfirm { get; set; }

    public string Captcha { get; set; }


I would like that these two attributes are required but not serializable 我希望这两个属性是必需的但不能序列化

I tried tu use [required] and [nonSerialized] annontations but without success. 我尝试使用[必需]和[nonSerialized]标注,但未成功。 I already saw this post 我已经看过这篇文章

But I don't know how to do what I want. 但是我不知道该怎么做。 It will be helpful for NonObtrusive-Validation, i want these field complete but i don't want to serialized them. 这将对NonObtrusive-Validation有所帮助,我希望这些字段完整,但我不想序列化它们。

I found a solution to my answer. 我找到了答案的解决方案。

I can use the annotation [notMapped] which is compatible with [required], [compare] ... 我可以使用与[必需],[比较]兼容的注释[notMapped] ...

I also use this :context.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; 我也用这个:context.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; where I filled my base because i got a problem with validation here. 我在这里填补了我的基地,因为我在这里遇到了验证问题。

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