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[英]How to use jQuery to render a JSON tree as nested HTML using divs?

I am looking for a way to render a JSON tree using nested <div> as mentioned in the title. 我正在寻找一种方法来使用标题中提到的嵌套<div>来呈现JSON树。 Here is a sample of the data (there is a max of 8 levels in the tree): 以下是数据示例(树中最多有8个级别):

    "children": {
        "Bacteria": {

I can get/parse the JSON tree and save it to a variable. 我可以获取/解析JSON树并将其保存到变量中。 Now I need to traverse the tree recursively and either: 现在我需要以递归方式遍历树并且:

  1. Make each node into something that can be rendered as HTML. 使每个节点成为可以呈现为HTML的东西。
  2. Create a new div node and add to a new tree. 创建一个新的div节点并添加到新树。

But how? 但是怎么样?

You could do this in raw JS with little to no difficulty: 你可以在原始的JS中做到这一点,几乎没有困难:

function json2html(json) {
    var i, ret = "";
    ret += "<ul>";
    for( i in json) {
        ret += "<li>"+i+": ";
        if( typeof json[i] === "object") ret += json2html(json[i]);
        else ret += json[i];
        ret += "</li>";
    ret += "</ul>";
    return ret;

Just call that function with your object, and it will return the HTML as a set of nested lists - you can of course change it to use just <div> s if you prefer. 只需使用您的对象调用该函数,它就会将HTML作为一组嵌套列表返回 - 您可以将其更改为仅使用<div> s(如果您愿意)。

EDIT: And here's a version that uses DOM elements and returns a node that can be inserted with appendChild or similar: 编辑:这是一个使用DOM元素的版本,并返回一个可以与appendChild或类似插入的节点:

function json2html(json) {
    var i, ret = document.createElement('ul'), li;
    for( i in json) {
        li = ret.appendChild(document.createElement('li'));
        li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i+": "));
        if( typeof json[i] === "object") li.appendChild(json2html(json[i]));
        else li.firstChild.nodeValue += json[i];
    return ret;

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