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[英]user functions in CodeIgniter controller

I need to use some functions in CI controller. 我需要在CI控制器中使用某些功能。

For example: 例如:

class Main extends Controller
    function index()
        function foo1(){}
        function foo2(){}

But I get an error. 但是我得到一个错误。 How to determine these functions? 如何确定这些功能?

As long as foo1 and foo2 are in the same controller you can do this: 只要foo1和foo2在同一控制器中,您就可以这样做:

class Main extends Controller
    function index()

    public function foo1()

    public function foo2()

If you use the function declaration syntax inside another function, the inside function will end up in the current namespace (or the global namepsace if no namespace was declared) 如果在另一个函数中使用函数声明语法,则内部函数将以当前名称空间结尾(如果未声明名称空间,则为全局名称空间)

consider this example: 考虑以下示例:

Class Foo {
    public function bar() {
        function foo(){
            print 'in foo';

$f = new Foo();
$f->bar(); // you have to call this before invoking the foo() function, prior this point its nonexistent
foo(); // will print 'in foo'

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