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Google Analytics - 访问持续时间0秒

[英]Google Analytics - Visit duration 0 sec

I am using Google Web Analytics Online Tool to monitor visits on my site. 我使用Google Web Analytics在线工具来监控我网站上的访问。 What bugs me is that often I see that records contain the folloowing entries: 让我烦恼的是,我经常看到记录包含以下条目:

Page Visits: 1.00 Average Visit Duration: 00:00:00 Bounce Rate: 100% 页面访问量:1.00平均访问持续时间:00:00:00跳出率:100%

What does that mean? 那是什么意思? If the visitor comes to my site it should stay at least couple of seconds until he leaves? 如果访问者来到我的网站,它应该至少保持几秒钟,直到他离开? Could that mean that something is wrong with accessing my site (I had similar problems before, but I am convinced I fixed them since I am not getting any errors when I try to access my site from different computers.) 这可能意味着访问我的网站有问题(之前我遇到过类似的问题,但我确信我已修复它们,因为当我尝试从不同的计算机访问我的网站时,我没有收到任何错误。)

When a visitor comes to your page google analytics sets a cookie where a timestamp is stored. 当访问者访问您的网页时,Google Analytics会设置一个存储时间戳的Cookie。 When the user visits a second page in your site Google compares the stored timestamp to the actual time and calculates visits duration from the difference between the two. 当用户访问您网站中的第二页时,Google会将存储的时间戳与实际时间进行比较,并根据两者之间的差异计算访问持续时间。 If all your visitors have bounced there is no second data point to compare the stored value to and google is unable to compute a duration. 如果所有访问者都已退回,则没有第二个数据点可用于比较存储的值,而google无法计算持续时间。

A common workaround is to set a javascript timeout and trigger an event after ten seconds or so (with the "interaction" flag in the event set to true, see Google Analytics event tracking docs for details). 常见的解决方法是设置javascript超时并在十秒左右后触发事件(事件设置为true时将“interaction”标记为true,有关详细信息,请参阅Google Analytics事件跟踪文档)。 The assumption is that somebody who looks for more than ten seconds at you page is not actually a bounce (I think that since "bounce rate" has so hugely negative connotations people try to avoid high bounce rates even at the price of introducing bad data; you should realize that "bounce rate" simply means that there are not enough data points to say anything meaningful about those particular visitors). 我们的假设是,在你的页面上寻找超过十秒钟的人实际上并不是反弹(我认为,由于“跳出率”具有如此巨大的负面含义,人们试图避免高跳出率,即使以引入不良数据为代价;您应该意识到“跳出率”仅仅意味着没有足够的数据点来表达对这些特定访问者有意义的事情)。

Personally I do not like that approach because it means to redefine inaction of a visitor as action. 就个人而言,我不喜欢这种方法,因为它意味着将游客的不作为重新定义为行动。 A better idea (IMO) is to implement a meaningful interaction point - like a "read more" link that loads content via ajax or something like it - and track that via event tracking or virtual page view. 更好的想法(IMO)是实现一个有意义的交互点 - 比如通过ajax或类似的东西加载内容的“阅读更多”链接 - 并通过事件跟踪或虚拟页面视图跟踪它。

Event tracking guide: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/eventTrackerGuide 活动跟踪指南: https//developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/eventTrackerGuide

Short Update: With Universal Analytics the technical details have changed (ie there are no longer cookies with timestamps, all information is processed on the GA servers). 简短更新:使用Universal Analytics,技术细节已更改(即不再有带时间戳的Cookie,所有信息都在GA服务器上处理)。 So the first paragraph is no longer up to date, however the rest of the answer is still valid. 所以第一段不再是最新的,但其余的答案仍然有效。


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