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[英]Getting website content from different location

I am developing an online accounting project. 我正在开发一个在线会计项目。 I do not want to give my code to the clients, but I have to give control of the domain to them. 我不想将代码提供给客户端,但是我必须将对域的控制权交给他们。 How can I configure the application such that it uses the Database from my client's domain and the application from my own domain ? 如何配置应用程序,使其使用客户端域中的数据库和我自己域中的应用程序?

For eg : my application domain in www.a.com and my clients domain are b.com, c.com and so on. 例如:我在www.a.com上的应用程序域和我的客户域是b.com,c.com等。 a.com holds the application source code and b.com holds the database. a.com拥有应用程序源代码,而b.com拥有数据库。

Now what I want to do is get the application code from a.com and get database from b.com whenever b.com is opened. 现在,我要做的就是从a.com获取应用程序代码,并在打开b.com时从b.com获取数据库。

Or is there any other way to achieve it ? 还是有其他方法可以实现?

Look into setting a CNAME record through your domain name's administration settings and using sub-domains, perhaps. 您可以考虑通过域名的管理设置并使用子域来设置CNAME记录。

Here's more information from Google http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=47283 and Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNAME_record 以下是来自Google http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=zh_CN&answer=47283和Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNAME_record的更多信息

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