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[英]A way to automatically pass parameters to a function?

I have a bunch of callback functions in a module.我在一个模块中有一堆回调函数。 They all call some_func() with the first, say, couple of arguments always the same and derived from their own arguments, while other arguments vary.它们都调用some_func() ,第一个参数总是相同的,并且来自它们自己的参数,而其他参数则不同。 Like so:像这样:

from outer.space import some_func
def callback_A(param1, param2, param3):
    some_func(param2+param1, param3, ..., ...)

def callback_B(param1, param2, param3, param4):
    some_func(param2+param1, param3, ..., ...)

And it's all over the code.这在代码中无处不在。 And uglier than just param2+param1.而且比 param2+param1 更丑陋。

In C/C++, I'd just do a macro在 C/C++ 中,我只是做一个宏

#define    S_F(a,b)    some_func(param2+param1, param3, a, b)

and start using S_F inside callbacks instead of some_func .并开始在回调中使用 S_F 而不是some_func What can I do in Python?我可以用 Python 做什么?

You can use functools.partial您可以使用functools.partial

>>> from functools import partial
>>> def my_function(a,b,c,d,e):
...     print (a,b,c,d,e)
>>> func_with_defaults = partial(my_function, 1, 2, e=5)
>>> func_with_defaults(3, 4)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Since you do not have these values in advance you can't use partial or lambda .由于您事先没有这些值,因此您不能使用partiallambda You may be tempted to do this:您可能会尝试这样做:

>>> A = lambda x: x + y
>>> def do_something(y):
...     return A(2)    # hope it uses the `y` parameter...
>>> do_something(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in do_something
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <lambda>
NameError: global name 'y' is not defined

But as can you see it does not work.但正如你所见,它不起作用。 Why?为什么? Because when you define a function python saves the scope in which you defined it and uses it to resolve the global / nonlocal variables.因为当你定义一个函数时,python 会保存你定义它的范围,并用它来解析global / nonlocal变量。

If you had access to some_func it would be possible to do what you want by "hacking" the interpreter stack using inspect but this is not a robust nor elegant thing to do, so do not do that.如果您可以访问some_func则可以通过使用inspect “破解”解释器堆栈来做您想做的事情,但这不是一件健壮或优雅的事情,所以要这样做。

What I'd do in your case is to simply rewrite the statement.在你的情况下,我会做的是简单地重写语句。

If you really want to avoid this, you can try something using exec :如果你真的想避免这种情况,你可以尝试使用exec

>>> def some_function(a,b,c):
...     print(a,b,c)
>>> code = 'some_function(a+b,c,%s)'
>>> def func_one(a,b, c):
...     exec code % 1
>>> def func_two(a,b,c):
...     exec code % 2
>>> func_one(1,2,3)
(3, 3, 1)
>>> func_two(1,2,3)
(3, 3, 2)

But this is ugly .但这是丑陋的

If you use only positional arguments to your function you may do something more elegant such as:如果你只对你的函数使用位置参数,你可以做一些更优雅的事情,比如:

>>> def compute_values(a,b,c):
...     return (a+b, c)
>>> def func_one(a,b,c):
...     some_function(*(compute_values(a,b,c) + (1,)))
>>> def func_two(a,b,c):
...     some_function(*(compute_values(a,b,c) + (2,)))
>>> func_one(1,2,3)
(3, 3, 1)
>>> func_two(1,2,3)
(3, 3, 2)

But at this point you are just repeating a different text, and you lost much readability.但此时你只是在重复不同的文本,你失去了很多可读性。 If you want to have preprocessing features in python you may try Python Preprocessing , even though, in your case, I'd rather just repeat the function calls.如果您想在 python 中具有预处理功能,您可以尝试Python Preprocessing ,即使在您的情况下,我宁愿只是重复函数调用。

You could base it on decorators:你可以基于装饰器:

import functools
from outer.space import some_func

def with_some(f):
    def wrapper(param1, param2, param3, *args):
        new_args = f(*args)
        return some_func(param1+param2, param3, *new_args)

    return wrapper

def callback_A():
    return ()  # Will call some_func(param1 + param2, param3)


def callback_B(param4):
    return param4,  # some_func(param1 + param2, param3, param4)

The wrapped functions will all have signature f(param1, param2, param3, *args)包装的函数都将具有签名f(param1, param2, param3, *args)

S_F = lambda a, b: some_func(param2+params1, param3, a, b)

请记住, param1param2param3必须在 lambda 语句的范围内可用,就像some_func

How about with keyword arguments instead of positional arguments in the function signature:如何在函数签名中使用关键字参数而不是位置参数:

    Instead of position arguments, just use the keys that some_func can respond to. 
    You can defaults to the ones not included...
    if key1 in kwargs:
        #use key1...

def callback_A(param1, param2, param3):
    some_func(key1=param1+parma2,key2=param3, other_key=...)

def callback_B(param1, param2, param3, param4):
     some_func(key1=param2+param1, key2=param3, other_keys=..., ...)


If you cannot change the function signature to some_func then you can wrap it:如果您无法将函数签名更改为some_func则可以将其包装:

def some_func(a,b,c,d,e):
    print 'some_funct({}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format(a,b,c,d,e)

def some_func_wrap(**kwargs):
    params={'p1':'default a','p2':'default b',
              'p3':'default c','p4':'default d','p5':'default e'}
    for p,arg in kwargs.items():
            del params[p]   # to raise an error if bad key
        except KeyError:
            print 'bad param to some_func_wrap()\n'

    some_func(*[params[k] for k in sorted(params.keys())])


prints: some_funct(1, 4, default c, default d, default e)打印: some_funct(1, 4, default c, default d, default e)

Simplely you can just use globals()/locals() to automatically get the context variables.简单地说,您可以使用globals()/locals()来自动获取上下文变量。

But if your functions saved in different files, then you can try inspect module to access caller's variables.但是如果你的函数保存在不同的文件中,那么你可以尝试inspect模块来访问调用者的变量。

import inspect

def f1():

def f2():
    v = inspect.stack()[1][0].f_locals['v']

f1() # print 11111

Here is another similar question: Access variables of caller function in Python这是另一个类似的问题: Access variables of caller function in Python

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