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[英]Is there a way - in ASP.Net - to access one ObjectDataSource's object from another ObjectDataSource in code behind?

I have following code in aspx page: 我在aspx页面中有以下代码:

<asp:ObjectDataSource id="odsOuterSource" TypeName="my.namespace.page"
SelectMethod="GetTestObject" DataObjectTypeName="my.namespace.Entities.TestObject" />

<asp:ObjectDataSource id="odsInnerSource" TypeName="my.namespace.page"
DataObjectTypeName="my.namespace.Entities.AnotherTestObject" />

and following code in code-behind: 以及下面代码中的代码:

public TestObject GetTestObject()
    Logic myLogic = new MyLogic();
    return myLogic.GetTestObject();

public AnotherTestObject GetAnotherTestObject()
    Logic myLogic = new MyLogic();
    return myLogic.GetAnotherTestObject(testObject);

Now my question is if there is a way to get the TestObject which was returned by the OuterSource so that I could use it for the InnerSource without having to call GetTestObject again. 现在我的问题是,是否有一种方法可以获取由OuterSource返回的TestObject,以便我可以将其用于InnerSource,而不必再次调用GetTestObject。

I hope you can help me with this. 希望您能帮到我。

Edit: For better readability than a comment 编辑:比注释更好的可读性

Thanks for your answers, but i have a question to Mudu's answer: 感谢您的回答,但我对Mudu的回答有疑问:

Is there a way to do this if my OuterSource has a parameter? 如果我的OuterSource有参数,有没有办法做到这一点? For example 例如

<asp:ObjectDataSource id="odsOuterSource" TypeName="my.namespace.page"
SelectMethod="GetTestObject" DataObjectTypeName="my.namespace.Entities.TestObject">
        <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="id" QueryStringField="id" DefaultValue="0" />

because then even my GetTestObject would have a parameter: 因为即使我的GetTestObject也会有一个参数:

public TestObject GetTestObject(int id)
    Logic myLogic = new MyLogic();
    return myLogic.GetTestObject(id);

You could save it in a member, either as TestObject or as a Lazy<TestObject> : 您可以将其保存为成员,作为TestObjectLazy<TestObject>

private readonly Lazy<TestObject> myTestObject = new Lazy<TestObject>(() =>
    var myLogic = new MyLogic();
    return myLogic.GetTestObject();

With this code, you can receive it any number of times you want. 使用此代码,您可以任意次数接收它。 It will be fetched via MyLogic once and re-returned on subsequent invocations: 它将通过MyLogic一次获取,并在随后的调用中返回:

public TestObject GetTestObject()
    return this.myTestObject.Value;

public AnotherTestObject GetAnotherTestObject()
    var testObject = this.myTestObject.Value; // re-used

    Logic myLogic = new MyLogic();
    return myLogic.GetAnotherTestObject(testObject);

As ASP.NET creates a new instance of your page for each request, the Lazy<TestObject> object is recreated for each request. 当ASP.NET为每个请求创建页面的新实例时,将为每个请求重新创建Lazy<TestObject>对象。 Therefore, your TestObject is actually fetched once per request. 因此,您的TestObject实际上每个请求获取一次。

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