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[英]Drupal view field

In Drupal, I would like to display some user related nodes on their "My Account" page. 在Drupal中,我想在其“我的帐户”页面上显示一些与用户相关的节点。 I would like to do so by creating a View that i would add as a field on the user entity (through admin/config/people/accounts/display). 我想通过创建一个视图添加为用户实体中的字段(通过admin / config / people / accounts / display)来做到这一点。 I could use Computed Field in order to load and render the view but that is not very convenient as it requires me to write PHP code. 我可以使用“计算字段”来加载和呈现视图,但这不是很方便,因为这需要我编写PHP代码。

In short, is there a module that allows to add dummy fields containing a view in the "manage display" sections of entities? 简而言之,是否存在允许在实体的“管理显示”部分中添加包含视图的虚拟字段的模块?

Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

Yes, Viewfield . 是的, Viewfield This allows you to reference a view and renders it. 这使您可以引用视图并进行渲染。

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