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如何在 Amazon SDK for android 中运行示例代码?

[英]How to run sample code in Amazon SDK for android?

I have downloaded aws-android-sdk-1.4.4.我已经下载了 aws-android-sdk-1.4.4。 I tried to run the sample code provided in sdk.我尝试运行 sdk 中提供的示例代码。 But i am not able run the code.但我无法运行代码。 It is not even loading.它甚至没有加载。 The eclipse gets stuck and is showing the following error:日食卡住并显示以下错误:

Unable to execute dex: Java heap space无法执行 dex:Java 堆空间
Java heap space Java堆空间

This is an eclipse problem.这是一个日食问题。 In your eclipse folder, edit eclipse.ini in a text editor.在您的 eclipse 文件夹中,在文本编辑器中编辑 eclipse.ini。 You'll see a line你会看到一条线

-XmsZZZm -XmxZZZm -XmsZZZm -XmxZZZm

The ZZZ is the amount of memory eclipse will use for different purposes. ZZZ 是 eclipse 将用于不同目的的内存量。 Increase it until it works.增加它直到它起作用。 You'll need to restart eclipse each time you change it.每次更改时都需要重新启动 eclipse。

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