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[英]CodeIgniter - Dynamic URL segments

I was wondering if someone could help me out. 我想知道是否有人可以帮助我。

Im building a forum into my codeigniter application and im having a little trouble figuring out how i build the segments. 我在我的codeigniter应用程序中建立了一个论坛,但在弄清楚如何构建细分时遇到了一些麻烦。

As per the CI userguide the uri is built as follows 根据CI用户指南,uri的构建如下


This is fine except i need to structure that part a bit different. 很好,除了我需要在结构上有所不同。

In my forum i have categories and posts, so to view a category the following url is used 在我的论坛中,我有类别和帖子,因此要查看类别,请使用以下网址


This is fine as its the class name, but i want to have the next segment dynamic, for instance if i have a category called 'mycategory' and a post by the name of 'this-is-my-first-post', then the structure SHOULD be 这是很好的类名,但是我想让下一段动态化,例如,如果我有一个名为“ mycategory”的类别和一个名为“ this-is-my-first-post”的帖子,则结构应该是


I cant seem to achieve that because as per the documentation the 'mycategory' needs to be a method, even if i was to do something like /forums/category/mycategory/this-is-my-first-post it still gets confusing. 我似乎无法实现这一点,因为根据文档,“ mycategory”需要成为一种方法,即使我要执行/ forums / category / mycategory / this-is-my-first-post之类的操作,也仍然会造成混淆。

If anyone has ever done something like this before, could they shed a little light on it for me please, im quite stuck on this. 如果有人以前曾经做过这样的事情,请给我一点点启示,我对此很执着。

Cheers, 干杯,

Nothing is confusing in the document but you are a little bit confused. 文档中没有什么让人困惑的地方,但是您有点困惑。 Let me give you some suggestions. 让我给你一些建议。
You create a view where you create hyperlinks to be clicked and in the hyperlink you provide this instruction 您创建一个视图,在其中创建要单击的超链接,并在超链接中提供此说明

<a href="www.application.com/forums/category/mycategory/this-is-my-first-post">First Post</a>

In the controller you can easily get this 在控制器中,您可以轻松获得此

$category = $this->uri->segment(3);
$post     = $this->uri->segment(4);

And now you can proceed. 现在您可以继续。 If you think your requirements are something else you can use a hack i have created a method for this which dynamically assign segments. 如果您认为您的需求是其他东西,则可以使用技巧,我为此创建了一种动态分配细分的方法。

Go to system/core/uri.php and add this method 转到system / core / uri.php并添加此方法

function assing_segment($n,$num)
    $this->segments[$n] =   $num;
    return $this->segments[$n];

How to use 如何使用


And if you have error 'The uri you submitted has disallowed characters' then go to application/config/config.php and add - to this 如果您遇到错误“您提交的uri不允许使用字符”,请转到application / config / config.php并添加-

$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-';

You could make a route that forwards to a lookup function. 您可以进行转发到查找功能的路由。
For example in your routes.php add a line something like; 例如,在您的routes.php中添加如下内容:

$route['product/(:any)/(:any)'] = "forums/cat_lookup/$1/$2";

This function would then do a database lookup to find the category. 然后,此函数将进行数据库查找以找到类别。

public function cat_lookup($cat, $post) {
    $catid = $this->forum_model->get_by_name($cat);
    if ($catid == FALSE) {
    $post_id = $this->post_model->get_by_name($post);
    /* whatever else you want */

    // then call the function you want or load the view

This method will keep the url looking as you want and handle any problems if the category does not exist. 如果类别不存在,此方法将使URL保持所需状态,并处理所有问题。
Don't forget you can store the category/posts in your database using underscores and use the uri_title() function to make them pretty, 不要忘记,您可以使用下划线将类别/帖子存储在数据库中,并使用uri_title()函数使它们漂亮,

Set in within config/routes.php 

$route['song-album/(:any)/:num'] = 'Home/song_album/$id';

fetch in function  with help of uri segment.


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