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会话管理Windows Azure

[英]session management windows azure

How does azure manage asp.net style session management. azure如何管理asp.net样式的会话管理。 for eg in general asp.net applications when multiple users are hitting the applcations. 例如当多个用户点击应用程序时,在一般的asp.net应用程序中。 username is stored in session which is available to each user. 用户名存储在每个用户可用的会话中。 How can this be managed with windows azure for sites on multiple instances with form authentication. Windows Azure如何使用表单身份验证在多个实例上的站点上使用Windows Azure来管理此问题。 App fabric caching is alternative but then when multiple users hit the site then how is cache key shared? 应用程序结构缓存是替代方法,但是当多个用户访问该站点时,缓存密钥如何共享?

It's not that different to session management on multiple instances outside Azure. 与Azure以外的多个实例上的会话管理没有什么不同。 You can't use in-memory session state obviously, but other than that, you've plenty of options. 您显然不能使用内存中的会话状态,但除此之外,您还有很多选择。 You could use the SQL store provider for instance, or use one for Azure tables. 例如,您可以使用SQL存储提供程序,也可以将其中一个用于Azure表。

Better still, try and engineer out the use of session state altogether wherever possible. 更好的是,尝试并尽可能设计出全部会话状态。

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