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[英]Moving dll from Bin to GAC

What are the issues when we move a dll from BIN folder to GAC?. 将dll从BIN文件夹移动到GAC时会出现什么问题?

  1. Is there any modifications required in my config? 我的配置是否需要任何修改?

  2. If application is still running then will it continue using the old dll if no issreset? 如果应用程序仍在运行,那么如果没有issreset,它将继续使用旧的dll吗?

  3. can I have dll in both places? 我可以在两个地方都拥有dll吗? in Bin & GAC. 在Bin&GAC中。 If so which one will be referered? 如果是这样,将推荐哪一个?

Depending on what you want, Web.Config change is optional. 根据您的需要,Web.Config更改是可选的。 You can have DLLs in both places. 您可以在两个地方都有DLL。 The Runtime first looks in the GAC and then in the probing path of the application which includes the bin to load an assembly: 运行时首先在GAC中查找,然后在应用程序的探测路径中查找,该路径包括用于加载程序集的bin:

ASP.net assembly loading from GAC or Bin 从GAC或Bin加载ASP.net程序集

Dll in both the bin and the gac, which one gets used? 装满垃圾箱和gac的DLL中都使用了哪一个?

You can restart the app pool and leave the rest of the app pools untouched. 您可以重新启动应用程序池,而其余的应用程序池保持不变。 No IIS Services are stopped or started: 没有IIS服务停止或启动:

Best way to reload web assemblies without IISReset 无需IISReset即可重新加载Web程序集的最佳方法

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